Testing Plutus Contracts with Contract Models


In this tutorial we will see how to test Plutus contracts with contract models, using the framework provided by Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel This framework generates and runs tests on the Plutus emulator, where each test may involve a number of emulated wallets, each running a collection of Plutus contracts, all submitting transactions to an emulated blockchain. Once the user has defined a suitable model, then QuickCheck can generate and run many thousands of scenarios, taking the application through a wide variety of states, and checking that it behaves correctly in each one. Once the underlying contract model is in place, then the framework can check user-defined properties specific to the application, generic properties such as that no funds remain locked in contracts for ever, and indeed both positive and negative tests—where positive tests check that the contracts allow the intended usages, and negative tests check that they do not allow the unintended ones.

The ContractModel framework is quite rich in features, but we will introduce them gradually and explain how they can best be used.

Basic Contract Models

Example: A Simple Escrow Contract

We begin by showing how to construct a model for a simplified escrow contract, which can be found in Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow. This contract enables a group of wallets to make a predetermined exchange of tokens, for example selling an NFT for Ada. There are two endpoints, a Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.pay endpoint, and a Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.redeem endpoint. Each wallet pays in its contribution to the contract using the Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.pay endpoint, and once all the wallets have done so, then any wallet can trigger the predetermined payout using the Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.redeem endpoint.

For simplicity, we will begin by testing the contract for a fixed set of predetermined payouts. These are defined by the Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.EscrowParams, a type exported by the escrow contract, and which is actually passed to the on-chain validators. Plutus.Contract.Test provides ten emulated wallets for use in tests, Plutus.Contract.Test.w1 to Plutus.Contract.Test.w10; in this case we will use five of them:

testWallets :: [Wallet]
testWallets = [w1, w2, w3, w4, w5]

Let us decide arbitrarily that Plutus.Contract.Test.w1 will receive a payout of 10 Ada, and Plutus.Contract.Test.w2 will receive a payout of 20, and define an Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.EscrowParams value to represent that:

escrowParams :: EscrowParams d
escrowParams =
    { escrowTargets  =
        [ payToPaymentPubKeyTarget (mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash w1) (Ada.adaValueOf 10)
        , payToPaymentPubKeyTarget (mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash w2) (Ada.adaValueOf 20)

The Contract Model Type

In order to generate sensible tests, and to decide how they should behave, we need to track the expected state of the system. The first step in defining a contract model is to define a type to represent this expected state. We usually need to refine it as the model evolves, but for now we keep things simple.

In this case, as wallets make payments into the escrow, we will need to keep track of how much each wallet has paid in. So let us define an EscrowModel type that records these contributions. Once the contributions reach the targets, then the escrow may be redeemed, so let us keep track of these targets in the model too. We define

data EscrowModel = EscrowModel { _contributions :: Map Wallet Value.Value
                               , _targets       :: Map Wallet Value.Value
                               } deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

makeLenses ''EscrowModel

Note that we use lenses to access the fields of the model. This is why the field names begin with an underscore; the makeLenses call creates lenses called just contributions and targets for these fields, which we will use to access and modify the fields below.

We turn this type into a contract model by making it an instance of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class:

instance ContractModel EscrowModel where ...

The rest of the contract model is provided by defining the methods and associated data types of this class.

What contracts shall we test?

In general, a contract model can be used to test any number of contracts, of differing types, running in any of the emulated wallets. But we need to tell the framework which contracts we are going to test, and we need a way for the model to refer to each contract instance, so that we can invoke the right endpoints. We do so using a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey, but since different models will be testing different collections of contracts, then this type is not fixed, it is defined as part of each model, as an associated type of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class.

In this case only one kind of contract is involved in the tests, the escrow contract, but there will be many instances of it, one running in each wallet. To identify a contract instance, a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey just has to record the wallet it is running in, we only need one constructor in the type. In general there will be one constructor for each type of contract instance in the test.

  data ContractInstanceKey EscrowModel w s e params where
    WalletKey :: Wallet -> CM.ContractInstanceKey EscrowModel () EscrowSchema EscrowError ()

Note that the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey type is a GADT, so it tracks not only the model type it belongs to, but also the type of the contract instance it refers to.

The framework also needs to be able to show and compare Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey, so you might expect that we would add a deriving clause to this type definition. But a deriving clause is actually not supported here, because the type is a GADT, so instead we have to give separate ‘standalone deriving’ declarations outside the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel instance:

deriving instance Eq (CM.ContractInstanceKey EscrowModel w s e params)
deriving instance Show (CM.ContractInstanceKey EscrowModel w s e params)

Defining Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey is only part of the story: we also have to tell the framework how to interpret the contract instance keys, in particular

  1. which contract instances to start

  2. which emulated wallets to run them in

  3. which actual contract each contract instance should run.

We do so by defining three methods in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class:

  initialInstances = [StartContract (WalletKey w) () | w <- testWallets]

  instanceWallet (WalletKey w) = w

  instanceContract _ WalletKey{} _ = testContract

The first line above tells the test framework to start a contract instance in each of the test wallets (with contract parameter ()), the second line tells the framework which wallet each contract key should run in, and the third line tells the framework which contract to run for each key–in this case, the same testContract in each wallet. Spec.Tutorial.Escrow does not actually export a complete concrete, only contract endpoints, so for the purposes of the test we just define a contract that allows us to invoke those endpoints repeatedly:

testContract = selectList [ void $ payEp escrowParams
                          , void $ redeemEp escrowParams
                          ] >> testContract

What actions should tests perform?

The type of Actions

The final type we need to define as part of a contract model tells the framework what actions to include in generated tests. This is defined as another associated datatype of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class, and in this case, we will just need actions to invoke the two contract endpoints:

  data Action EscrowModel = Pay Wallet Integer
                          | Redeem Wallet -- ^ Refund Wallet
    deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

The framework needs to be able to show and compare Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action too, but in this case we can just add a deriving clause to the definition.

Performing Actions

QuickCheck will generate sequences of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action as tests, but in order to run the tests, we need to specify how each action should be performed. This is done by defining the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.perform method of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class, which maps Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action to a computation in the emulator. Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.perform takes several parameters besides the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action to perform, but for now we ignore all but the first, whose purpose is to translate a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey, used in the model, into a Plutus.Trace.Emulator.Types.ContractHandle, used to refer to a contract instance in the emulator. The Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.perform method is free to use any Plutus.Trace.Emulator.EmulatorTrace operations, but in practice we usually keep it simple, interpreting each Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action as a single call to a contract endpoint. This gives QuickCheck maximal control over the interaction between the tests and the contracts. In this case, we just call either the Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.pay or the Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.redeem endpoint.

  perform h _ _ a = case a of
    Pay w v        -> do
      Trace.callEndpoint @"pay-escrow" (h $ WalletKey w) (Ada.adaValueOf $ fromInteger v)
      CM.delay 1
    Redeem w       -> do
      Trace.callEndpoint @"redeem-escrow" (h $ WalletKey w) ()
      CM.delay 1

Notice that we do need to allow each Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action time to complete, so we include a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.delay to tell the emulator to move on to the next slot after each endpoint call. Of course we are free not to do this, but then tests will submit many endpoint calls per slot, and fail because the endpoints are not ready to perform them. This is not the most interesting kind of test failure, and so we avoid it by delaying an appropriate number of slots after each endpoint call. The number of slots we need to wait varies from contract to contract, so we usually determine these numbers experimentally. Exactly the same problem arises in writing unit tests, of course.

Modelling Actions

Remember that we need to track the real state of the system using the contract model state? We defined a type for this purpose:

data EscrowModel = EscrowModel { _contributions :: Map Wallet Value.Value
                               , _targets       :: Map Wallet Value.Value
                               } deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

makeLenses ''EscrowModel

We need to tell the framework what the effect of each Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action is expected to be, both on wallet contents, and in terms of the model state. We do this by defining the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState method of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class, which just takes an Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action as a parameter, and interprets it in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Spec monad, provided by the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel framework.

  nextState a = case a of
    Pay w v -> do
      withdraw w (Ada.adaValueOf $ fromInteger v)
      contributions %= Map.insertWith (<>) w (Ada.adaValueOf $ fromInteger v)
      wait 1
    Redeem w -> do
      targets <- viewContractState targets
      sequence_ [ deposit w v | (w, v) <- Map.toList targets ]
      contributions .= Map.empty
      wait 1

You can see that the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Spec monad allows us to withdraw and deposit values in wallets, so that the framework can predict their expected contents, and also to read and update the model state using the lenses generated from its type definition. For a Pay action, we withdraw the payment from the wallet, and record the contribution in the model state, using (%=) to update the contributions field. For a Redeem action, we read the targets from the model state (using Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.viewContractState and the lens generated from the type definition), and then make the corresponding payments to the wallets concerned. In both cases we tell the model to Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.wait one slot, corresponding to the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.delay call in Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.perform; this is necessary to avoid the model and the emulator getting out of sync.

We also have to specify the initial model state at the beginning of each test: we just record that no contributions have been made yet, along with the targets we chose for testing with.

  initialState = EscrowModel { _contributions = Map.empty
                             , _targets       = Map.fromList [ (w1, Ada.adaValueOf 10)
                                                             , (w2, Ada.adaValueOf 20)

Given these definitions, the framework can predict the expected model state after any sequence of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action.

Generating Actions

The last step, before we can actually run tests, is to tell the framework how to generate random actions. We do this by defining the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.arbitraryAction method, which is just a QuickCheck generator for the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action type. It gets the current model state as a parameter, so we can if need be adapt the generator depending on the state, but for now that is not important: we just choose between making a payment from a random wallet, and invoking Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.redeem from a random wallet. Since we expect to need several payments to fund a redemption, we generate Pay actions a bit more often than Redeem ones.

  arbitraryAction _ = frequency $ [ (3, Pay <$> elements testWallets <*> choose (1, 30))
                                  , (1, Redeem <$> elements testWallets) ]

Strictly speaking the framework now has enough information to generate and run tests, but it is good practice to define shrinking every time we define generation; we just defined a generator for actions, so we should define a shrinker too. We do so by defining the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.shrinkAction method, which, like the QuickCheck shrink function, just returns a list of smaller Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action to try replacing an action by when a test fails. It is always worth defining a shrinker: the small amount of effort required is repaid very quickly, since failed tests become much easier to understand.

In this case, as in most others, we can just reuse the existing shrinking for those parts of an Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action that make sense to shrink. There is no sensible way to shrink a wallet, really, so we just shrink the amount in a payment.

  shrinkAction _ (Pay w n) = [Pay w n' | n' <- shrink n]
  shrinkAction _ _         = []

With this definition, failing test cases will be reported with the minimum payment value that causes a failure.

Running tests and debugging the model

We are finally ready to run some tests! We do still need to define a property that we can call QuickCheck with, but the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel framework provides a standard one that we can just reuse. So we define

prop_Escrow :: CM.Actions EscrowModel -> Property
prop_Escrow = CM.propRunActions_

The important information here is in the type signature, which tells QuickCheck which contract model we want to generate and run tests for.

A failing test

Once the property is defined, we are ready to test–and a test fails immediately! This is not unexpected–it is quite rare that a model and implementation match on the first try, so we should expect a little debugging–of the model–before we start to find interesting bugs in contracts. When models are written after the implementation, as in this case, then the new code–the model code–is likely to be where bugs appear first.

Looking at the test output, the first thing QuickCheck reports is the failed test case:

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck prop_Escrow
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 7 tests and 2 shrinks):
 [Redeem (Wallet 5)]

Here we see what generated tests looks like: they are essentially lists of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action, performed in sequence. In this case there is only one Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action: wallet 5 just attempted to redeem the funds in the contract.

The next lines of output tell us why the test failed:

Expected funds of W[2] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",20000000)])])
but they did not change
Expected funds of W[1] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",10000000)])])
but they did not change

Remember we defined the expected payout to be 10 Ada to Plutus.Contract.Test.w1, and 20 Ada to Plutus.Contract.Test.w2. Our model says (in Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState) that when we perform a Redeem then the payout should be made (in Lovelace, not Ada, which is why the numbers are a million times larger than those in the model). But the wallets did not get the money–which is hardly surprising since no payments at all have been made to the contract, so there is no money to disburse.

The remaining output displays a log from the failing contract instance, and the emulator log, both containing the line

Contract instance stopped with error: RedeemFailed NotEnoughFundsAtAddress

This is an error thrown by the off-chain Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.redeem endpoint code, which (quite correctly) checks the funds available, and fails since there are not enough.

Positive testing with preconditions

We now have a failing test, that highlights a discrepancy between the model and the implementation–and it is the model that is wrong. The question is how to fix it, and there is a choice to be made. Either we could decide that the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState function in the model should check whether sufficient funds are available, and if they are not, predict that no payments are made. Or perhaps, we should restrict our tests so they do not attempt to use ``Redeem`` when it should not succeed.

Both choices are reasonable. The first alternative is usually called negative testing–we deliberately test error situations, and make sure that the implementation correctly detects and handles those errors. The second alternative is positive testing (or “happy path” testing), when we make sure that the implementation provides the functionality that it should, when the user makes correct use of its API.

It is usually a good idea to focus on positive testing first–indeed, good positive testing is a prerequisite for good negative testing, because it enables us to get the system into a wide variety of interesting states (in which to perform negative tests). So we shall return to negative testing later, and focus–in this section–on making positive testing work well.

To do so, we have to restrict test cases, so that they do not include Redeem actions, when there are insufficient funds in the escrow. We restrict actions by defining the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition method of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class: any Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action for which Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition returns False will not be included in any generated test. The Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition method is also given the current Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ModelState as a parameter, so that it can decide to accept or reject an Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action based on where it appears in a test.

In this case, we want to allow a Redeem action only if there are sufficient funds in the escrow, so we just need to compare the contributions made so far to the targets:

  precondition s a = case a of
    Redeem _ -> (s ^. contractState . contributions . to fold)
                (s ^. contractState . targets . to fold)
    _        -> True

In this code, s is the entire model state maintained by the framework (including wallet contents, slot number etc), but it contains the “contract state”, which is the state we have defined ourselves, the EscrowModel. The lens contractState . contributions . to fold extracts the EscrowModel, extracts the contributions field from it, and then combines all the Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value using fold. When we apply it to s using (^.), we get the total value of all contributions. Likewise, the second lens application computes the combined value of all the targets. If the contributions exceed the targets, then the Redeem is allowed; otherwise, it will not be included in the test. Once we define Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition, then it has to be defined for every form of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action, so we just add a default branch that returns True.


We can’t use (>=) to compare Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value; there is no Ord instance. That is because some Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value are incomparable, such as one Ada and one NFT, which would break our expectations about Ord. That is why we have to compare them using Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.geq instead.

With this precondition, the failing test we have seen can no longer be generated, and will not appear again in our quickCheck runs.

A second infelicity in the model

Adding a precondition for Redeem prevents the previous failing test from being generated, but it does not make the tests pass: it just allows QuickCheck to reveal the next problem in the model. Running tests again, we see:

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck prop_Escrow
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 4 tests and 5 shrinks):
 [Pay (Wallet 2) 0]

This time the test just consists of a single Pay action, making a payment of zero (!) Ada to the the contract.


It may seem surprising that the test tries to make a zero payment, given that the generator we saw above only generates payments in the range 1 to 30 Ada. But remember that the failing test cases we see are not necessarily freshly generated, they may also have been shrunk. In this case, the zero is a result of shrinking: the shrinker we saw can certainly shrink payments to zero, and the precondition for Pay allows that… it’s always True. And so, a zero payment can appear in tests. If we wanted to prevent this, the correct way would be to tighten the precondition of Pay.

The next part of the output explains why the test failed:

Expected funds of W[2] to change by
  Value (Map [])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])

In other words, the model expected that a payment of zero would not affect the funds held by the calling wallet, but in fact, the wallet lost 2 Ada.

Why did this happen? In this case, the emulator log that follows provides an explanation:

[INFO] Slot 1: W[2]: Balancing an unbalanced transaction:
         Tx 2dc052b47a1faeacc0f50b99359990302885a34104df0109576597cc490b8a98:
           collateral inputs:
             - Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])]) addressed to
               ScriptCredential: bcf453ff769866e23d14d5104c36ce4da0ff5bcbed23c622f46b94f1 (no staking credential)
           mint: Value (Map [])
           fee: Value (Map [])
           validity range: Interval {ivFrom = LowerBound NegInf True, ivTo = UpperBound PosInf True}
       Requires signatures:
       Utxo index:
       Validity range:
         (-? , +?)

We see the transaction submitted by the contract, and we can see from its outputs that it is paying 2 Ada to the script, even though we specified a payment of zero. The reason for this is that the Cardano blockchain requires a minimum Ada amount in every transaction output, currently 2 Ada. It is therefore impossible to make a payment of zero Ada to the script–and the Plutus libraries avoid this by adding Ada to each output, if necessary, to meet the minimum requirement. It is these 2 Ada that the wallet has lost.

This is not really a bug in the escrow contract: it’s a fundamental limitation enforced by the blockchain itself. Therefore we must adapt our model to allow for it. Once again we have a choice: we could specify that every Pay action costs at least the minimum Ada, even if the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action contains a lower payment, or we can restrict Pay actions to amounts greater than or equal to the minimum. We choose the latter, because it is simpler to express–we just tighten the precondition for Pay:

precondition s a = case a of
    Redeem _ -> (s ^. contractState . contributions . to fold)
                (s ^. contractState . targets . to fold)
    Pay _ v  -> Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger v) `geq` Ada.toValue minAdaTxOutEstimated

Now this failure can no longer appear.


It’s debatable whether the contract’s behaviour is actually buggy or not. We decided to accept it, and exclude payments smaller than 2 Ada from our tests. But of course, a user of the contract might attempt to make a payment of, say, 1 Ada–nothing prevents that. Such a user will see their wallet debited with 2 Ada, and may be surprised by that behaviour. Arguably the contract should explicitly reject payments below the minimum, rather than silently increase them. So this failing test does expose this issue.

A third infelicity in the model, and a design issue

Now that we have reasonable preconditions for each Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action in a test, we can expect to see more interesting failures. And indeed, the tests still fail, but now with a test case that combines payment and redemption:

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck prop_Escrow
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 8 tests and 5 shrinks):
 [Pay (Wallet 4) 11,
  Pay (Wallet 5) 20,
  Redeem (Wallet 5)]
Expected funds of W[5] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-20000000)])])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-19000000)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",1000000)])])

Here we made two payments, totalling 31 Ada, which is exactly one Ada more than the combined targets (recall our targets are 10 Ada to Plutus.Contract.Test.w1 and 20 Ada to Plutus.Contract.Test.w2). Then Plutus.Contract.Test.w5 redeemed the escrow, and ended up with 1 Ada too much (last line). That extra Ada is, of course, the extra unnecessary Ada that was paid to the script in the previous action.

This raises the question: what should happen if an escrow holds more funds than are needed to make the target payments? The designers of this contract decided that any surplus should be paid to the wallet submitting the Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.redeem transaction. Since this is part of the intended behaviour of the contract, then our model has to reflect it. We can do so with a small extension to the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState function in the model:

  nextState a = case a of
    Pay w v -> ...
    Redeem w -> do
      targets <- viewContractState targets
      sequence_ [ deposit w v | (w, v) <- Map.toList targets ]
      contribs <- viewContractState contributions                 -- NEW
      let leftoverValue = fold contribs <> inv (fold targets)     -- NEW
      deposit w leftoverValue                                     -- NEW
      contributions .= Map.empty
      wait 1

The extra code just computes the total contributions and the surplus, and deposits the surplus in the calling wallet.

Now, at last, the tests pass!

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

By default, quickCheck runs 100 tests, which is enough to reveal easily-caught bugs such as those we have seen, but far too few to catch really subtle issues. So at this point, it’s wise to run many more tests–the number is limited only by your patience and the speed of the emulator:

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 1000 $ prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.

Analysing the distribution of tests

Once tests are passing, then the framework displays statistics collected from the running tests. These statistics give us important information about the effectiveness of our tests; a risk with any automated test case generation is that, since we do not usually inspect the running tests, we may not notice if almost all of them are trivial.

The contract model framework gathers some basic statistics by default, and can be configured to gather more, but for now we just consider the built-in ones. After each successful test run, we see a number of tables, starting with a distribution of the actions performed by tests:

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 1000 $ prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.

Actions (25363 in total):
75.894% Pay
12.771% Redeem
11.335% WaitUntil

Here we ran 1,000 tests, and as we see from the table, around 25,000 actions were generated. So, on average, each test case consisted of around 25 actions.

Of those actions, three quarters were Pay actions, and 10-15% were Redeem. This is not unreasonable–we decided when we wrote the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action generator to generate more payments than redemptions. The remaining actions are WaitUntil actions, inserted by the framework, which simply wait a number of slots to test for timing dependence; we shall return to them later, but can ignore them for now. Thus this distribution looks quite reasonable.

The second table that appears tells us how often a generated Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action could not be included in a test, because its precondition failed.

Actions rejected by precondition (360 in total):
87.8% Redeem
12.2% Pay

We can see that 360 actions–in addition to the 25,000 that were included in tests–were generated, but discarded because their preconditions were not true. This does represent wasted generation effort, although rejecting 360 out of over 25,000 actions is not really a serious problem–especially given that test case generation is so very much faster than the emulator.

Nevertheless, we can see that the vast majority of rejected actions were Redeem actions, and this is because a Redeem is not allowed until sufficient payments have been made–but our generator produces them anyway.

We can, of course, change this, to generate Redeem actions only when redemption is actually possible:

  arbitraryAction s = frequency $ (3, Pay <$> elements testWallets <*> choose (1, 30)) :
                                  [ (1, Redeem <$> elements testWallets)
                                  | (s ^. CM.contractState . contributions . to fold)   -- NEW
                                    `Value.geq`                                      -- NEW
                                    (s ^. CM.contractState . targets . to fold)         -- NEW

Measuring the distribution again after this change, we see that only valid Redeem actions are now generated; the only discarded actions are Pay actions.

Prelude Spec.Tutorial.Escrow Test.QuickCheck Main> quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 1000 $ prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.

Actions (25693 in total):
76.717% Pay
13.035% Redeem
10.248% WaitUntil

Actions rejected by precondition (650 in total):
100.0% Pay

The main disadvantage of making this change is that it limits the tests that can be generated, if the precondition of Redeem should be changed in the future. In particular, when we move on to negative testing, then we will want to test invalid attempts to redeem the escrow also. Once the generator is changed like this, then relaxing the precondition is no longer enough to introduce invalid calls. For this reason it could be preferable to keep the possibility of generation invalid calls alongside the generator for valid calls, but to assign the potentially-invalid generator a much lower weight.

We will discuss the remaining tables in a later section.


You can find the final version of the contract model discussed in this section in Spec.Tutorial.Escrow1, in the plutus-apps repo.

  1. Try running the code in ghci. You can do so by starting a nix shell, and starting ghci using

    cabal repl plutus-use-cases-test

    Then import QuickCheck and the contract model:

    import Test.QuickCheck
    import Spec.Tutorial.Escrow1

    and run tests using

    quickCheck prop_Escrow

    The tests should pass, and you should see tables showing the distribution of tested actions, and so on.

  2. Try removing the preconditions for Pay and Redeem, and reinserting them one by one. Run quickCheck after each change, and inspect the failing tests that are generated.

  3. Try removing the line

    deposit w leftoverValue

    from the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState function, and verify that tests fail as expected.

  4. Try removing one of the lines

    wait 1

    from the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState function (so that the model and the implementation get out of sync). What happens when you run tests?

  5. This model does generate Pay actions that are discarded by the precondition. Adjust the generator so that invalid Pay actions are no longer generated, and run quickCheck to verify that this is no longer the case.

Parameterising Models and Dynamic Contract Instances

One of the unsatisfactory aspects of the tests developed in the previous section is that they always pay 10 Ada to wallet 1, and 20 Ada to wallet 2. What if the contract only works for certain amounts, or what if it only works with exactly two beneficiary wallets? Of course, we would like to generate a random set of payment targets for each test. Such a generator is easy to write:

arbitraryTargets :: Gen [(Wallet,Integer)]
arbitraryTargets = do
  ws <- sublistOf testWallets
  vs <- infiniteListOf $ choose (1,30)
  return $ zip ws vs

but it is a little more intricate to make the model use these generated targets.

There are two problems to overcome:

  1. The generated targets are an important part of a test case, so they must be included in the test case somehow. But a test case is just a list of actions. So where do we put the targets?

  2. The running contracts need to know what the targets are–but our model just contains a static list of contract instances in the test (Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.initialInstances). How can we pass the generated targets to each running contract instance?

Solve these two problems, and we can test escrows with arbitrary payout targets. The techniques we learn will be applicable in many other situations.

Adding an initial action, and test case phases

The first problem is quite easy to solve, in principle. The generated payment targets are an important part of a test case, and a test case is just a list of actions, therefore the generated payment targets must be included in one or more of the actions. Quite simply, any generated data in a contract model test must be part of an action. In this case, we just decide that every test should begin with an Init action, that specifies the targets to be used in this test case. So we must extend the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action type to include Init:

  data Action EscrowModel = Init [(Wallet, Integer)]    -- NEW!
                          | Redeem Wallet
                          | Pay Wallet Integer
    deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

We must also ensure that Init actions only appear as the first action of a test case, and that every test case starts with an Init action. We restrict the form of test cases using preconditions, so this means that we must refine the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition function so that the Init precondition only holds at the beginning of a test case, and the other operations’ preconditions only hold after an Init has taken place.

However, the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition method is only given the action and the contract state as parameters, which means in turn that we must be able to tell whether or not we are at the beginning of the test case, just from the model state. So we have to add a field to the model, to keep track of where in a test case we are. In this simple case we could just add a boolean initialised, but we will be a little more general and say that a test case is made up of a number of phases, in this case just two, Initial and Running:

data EscrowModel = EscrowModel { _contributions :: Map Wallet Value.Value
                               , _targets       :: Map Wallet Value.Value
                               , _phase         :: Phase             -- NEW!
                               } deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

Now we can specify that at the beginning of a test case we are in the Initial phase, and there are no targets:

  initialState = EscrowModel { _contributions = Map.empty
                             , _targets       = Map.empty
                             , _phase         = Initial

and that when we model the Init action, we update both the phase and the targets accordingly:

  nextState a = case a of
    Init wns -> do
      phase   .= Running
      targets .= Map.fromList [(w, Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n)) | (w,n) <- wns]

We have to specify how to perform an Init action also, but in this case it exists only to initialise the model state with generated targets, so performing it need not do anything:

  perform h _ _ a = case a of
    Init _         -> do
      return ()

Now we can add a precondition for Init, and restrict the other actions to the Running phase only:

  precondition s a = case a of
    Init _   -> currentPhase == Initial
    Redeem _ -> currentPhase == Running && ...
    Pay _ v  -> currentPhase == Running && ...
    where currentPhase = s ^. contractState . phase

It only remains to generate Init actions, using the generator for targets that we saw above. We can take the phase into account, and generate an Init action only at the start of the test case, and other actions only in the Running phase.

  arbitraryAction s
    | s ^.contractState . phase == Initial
      = Init <$> arbitraryTargets
    | otherwise
      = ...as before...


Here we ensure that we always generate test cases that begin with Init, but this is not enough to ensure that every test case we run begins with Init. Remember that failed tests are always shrunk, and the first thing the shrinker will try is to discard the leading Init action (if that still results in a failing test, which it probably will). The only way to prevent shrinking from discarding the leading Init is for the preconditions to require it to be there. This is why we focussed on writing the preconditions first: they are more important.

As a matter of principle, when we write a generator, we also write a shrinker, which just requires a one-line addition to the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.shrinkAction function:

  shrinkAction _ (Init tgts) = map Init (shrinkList (\(w,n)->(w,) <$> shrink n) tgts)

We cannot shrink wallets, which is why we can’t simply apply shrink to the list of targets, but using the shrinkList function from Test.QuickCheck we can easily write a shrinker that will discard list elements and shrink the target values.

Dynamic contract instances

At this point we can generate tests that begin by initialising the escrow targets randomly, but we cannot yet run them successfully. If we try, we see failures like this:

*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 11 tests and 5 shrinks):
 [Init [],
  Redeem (Wallet 1)]
Contract instance log failed to validate:
Slot 1: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
          Contract instance stopped with error: RedeemFailed NotEnoughFundsAtAddress

Here we started a test with an empty list of targets, and tried to redeem the escrow, but failed because there were ‘not enough funds’. Why not? Because the contracts we are running still expect the fixed targets that we started with; we have not yet passed our generated targets to the contract instances under test.

Recall the contract we are testing:

testContract = selectList [ void $ payEp escrowParams
                          , void $ redeemEp escrowParams
                          ] >> testContract

It invokes the contract endpoints with the fixed set of Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.EscrowParams we defined earlier. Clearly we need to parameterise the contract on these Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.EscrowParams instead:

testContract :: EscrowParams Datum -> Contract () EscrowSchema EscrowError ()
testContract params = selectList [ void $ payEp params
                                 , void $ redeemEp params
                                 ] >> testContract params

Now the question is: how do we pass this parameter to each testContract as we start them?

Recall the way we started contracts in the previous section. We defined the contracts to start at the beginning of a test in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.initialInstances method:

  initialInstances = [CM.StartContract (WalletKey w) () | w <- testWallets]

Each contract is specified by a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.StartContract, containing not only a contract instance key, but also a parameter–in this case (), since we did not need to pass any generated values to testContract. Now we do need to, so we must replace that () with escrow parameters generated from our payment targets. Moreover, we can no longer start the contracts at the beginning of the test–we must see the Init action first, so that we know what the generated targets are. To do so, we redefine

  initialInstances = []

and instead add a definition of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.startInstances method:

  startInstances _ (Init wns) =
    [CM.StartContract (WalletKey w) (escrowParams wns) | w <- testWallets]
  startInstances _ _ = []

where the escrow parameters are now constructed from our generated targets:

escrowParams :: [(Wallet, Integer)] -> EscrowParams d
escrowParams tgts =
    { escrowTargets  =
        [ payToPaymentPubKeyTarget (mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash w) (Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n))
        | (w,n) <- tgts

The effect of this is to start the contracts just before the Init action; in fact, using this mechanism, we can start contracts dynamically at any point in a test case.


We should be careful to avoid reusing the same contract instance key more than once, though, since this may lead to confusing results.

You may wonder why we don’t simply start new contract instances in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.perform method instead. The answer is the framework needs to track the running contract instances, and using Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.startInstances makes this explicit.

The Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.StartContract just specifies the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractInstanceKey to be started; we define the actual contract to start in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.instanceContract method, which receives the contract parameter from Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.StartContract as its last argument. So we can just define

  instanceContract _ WalletKey{} params = testContract params

and our work is (almost) done. The last step is just to update the type of WalletKey, since it includes the type of the parameter that Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.StartContract accepts.

  data ContractInstanceKey EscrowModel w s e params where
    WalletKey :: Wallet -> CM.ContractInstanceKey EscrowModel () EscrowSchema EscrowError (EscrowParams Datum)

Now, at last, our extended model is complete.

Running our extended tests; another design issue

We can now run our new tests, and, as so often happens when the scope of QuickCheck tests is extended, they do not pass. Here is an example of a failure:

 [Init [(Wallet 5,0)],
  Redeem (Wallet 4)]
Expected funds of W[4] to change by
  Value (Map [])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
Expected funds of W[5] to change by
  Value (Map [])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])])
Test failed.

In this case the generated target just specifies that wallet 5 should receive 0 Ada–a slightly odd target, perhaps, but not obviously invalid. Since the total of all targets is 0 Ada, then the target is already met, and wallet 4 attempts to redeem the escrow. We might expect the effect to be a no-op–and this is what our model predicts–but it is not what happens. Instead, wallet 4 pays two Ada to wallet 5!

The reason this happens is the blockchain rule that every transaction output must contain at least 2 Ada. When wallet 4 attempts to redeem the escrow, then the off-chain code attempts to create a transaction with an output paying 0 Ada to wallet 5, but that is increased to 2 Ada to make the transaction valid. Then when the transaction is balanced, the 2 Ada is taken from the submitting wallet.

Is this a bug in the contract? It is certainly an inconsistency with the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState function in the model, and we could modify that function to reflect the actual transfers of Ada that the contract performs. But these transfers were surely not intentional: a more reasonable approach is to say that target payments that are too small to be accepted by the blockchain are invalid; such targets should not be chosen.

We can make our tests pass by tightening the precondition of Init so that targets below the minimum are not accepted:

  precondition s a = case a of
    Init tgts-> currentPhase == Initial
             && and [Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n) `geq` Ada.toValue minAdaTxOutEstimated | (w,n) <- tgts]

This demonstrates that the contract works as expected, provided we don’t specify targets less than the minimum, but nothing prevents a user of the contract from specifying such targets–and we know that the contract code will accept them, and deliver surprising results in those cases. Arguably all the contract endpoints should check that the specified targets are valid, and raise an error if they are not. This would prevent the creation of invalid escrows, rather than generating unexpected behaviour when they are redeemed.

Thus these failing tests do suggest a way in which the contract implementation can be improved, even if the failing cases are fairly unlikely in practice.


QuickCheck was able to find this bug because our generator for target payments includes invalid values; we chose values in the range 1 to 31, where 1 is invalid (and shrinking reduced the 1 to a 0 in the failing case that was reported). It is a good thing we did not ensure, from the start, that only valid target values could be generated–had we done so, we would not have discovered this anomalous behaviour.

In general, it is a good idea for generators to produce, at least occasionally, every kind of input that a user can actually supply, even if some of them are invalid (and may be filtered out by preconditions). Doing so enables this kind of strange behaviour to be discovered.


  1. You will find the code presented here in Spec.Tutorial.Escrow2, with the exception of the last precondition we discussed for Init. Run the tests using

    quickCheck prop_Escrow

    and make sure you understand how they fail.

  2. Make your own copy of the code, and add the tighter precondition for Init. Verify that the tests then pass.

  3. An alternative explanation for the problem might have been that a target of zero should not be allowed (and perhaps the contract implementation should interpret a target of zero by not creating a transaction output at all). Change the precondition of Init so that it only excludes targets of zero, rather than any target below the minimum. Verify that the tests still fail, and make sure you understand the (slightly more complex) failure.

  4. There are quite a few steps involved in introducing these dynamically chosen targets. You can practice these steps by taking the code from Spec.Tutorial.Escrow1, which uses fixed targets, and following the steps outlined in this tutorial to turn it into a copy of Spec.Tutorial.Escrow2.

Testing “No Locked Funds” with Dynamic Logic

So far, we have tested that a contract’s actual transfers of tokens are consistent with the model. That is, nothing goes wrong–or to put it bluntly, nobody steals your money. This is an example of a safety property. But when we use smart contracts, this is not the only kind of property we care about. Very often, we also want to be certain that we can eventually reach some kind of goal state–an example of a liveness property. In particular, it would be bad if tokens were to be trapped in a contract for ever, with no possibility of recovering them. The Cardano model certainly allows this… imagine a UTXO whose verifier always returns False… and so it is our responsibility to ensure that contracts do not fall into this trap. Not only does nothing go wrong, but something good is always possible. Not only does no-one steal your money, but you can always recover it yourself.

We call these properties “no locked funds” properties, because that is usually what we want to test: that we can always reach a state in which all tokens have been recovered from the contracts under test. Of course, there is no general way to recover tokens held by a contract, so we cannot expect QuickCheck to find a way to reach this goal automatically; instead, we specify a strategy for recovering funds, and what we test is that the given strategy always works.

Writing and testing properties using Dynamic Logic

We specify this kind of property using dynamic logic. This part of the contract testing framework is inspired by dynamic logic for reasoning about programs, but it can be thought of just as a way of writing test scenarios, in which we mix random generation, explicit actions, and assertions. We write such scenarios in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.DL monad; for example, here is a scenario that first performs a random sequence of actions, then invokes a finishing strategy, and finally asserts that no tokens remain locked in contracts.

finishEscrow :: DL EscrowModel ()
finishEscrow = do
    finishingStrategy w1
    assertModel "Locked funds are not zero" (symIsZero . lockedValue)

Here Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.assertModel lets us include an assertion about the contract model state, Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.lockedValue is a function provided by the framework that computes the total value held by contracts, and Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.symIsZero checks that this is zero. The value is returned here as a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Symbolics.SymValue, but for now it can be thought of just as a normal Plutus Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value with an extra type wrapper.

This scenario just tests that the given finishing strategy always succeeds in recovering all tokens from contracts, no matter what actions have been performed beforehand. The finishing strategy itself is written in the same monad. For example, if we think we should use a Redeem action to recover the tokens, then we can define

finishingStrategy :: Wallet -> DL EscrowModel ()
finishingStrategy w = do
    currentPhase <- viewContractState phase
    when (currentPhase /= Initial) $ do
      action $ Redeem w

Of course, since the strategy must work in any state, including the initial one, then we do have to check that the escrow has been initialised before we attempt to Redeem.


These test scenarios are very flexible, and can be used for other purposes too. For example, we could write a test scenario that fixes the escrow targets, thus undoing the generalization we made in the previous section:

fixedTargets :: DL EscrowModel ()
fixedTargets = do
  action $ Init [(w1,10),(w2,20)]

Note that generated actions are always appropriate for the current state, so here Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.anyActions_ will pick up generating the test case from the point after the escrow targets are initialised.

We can use dynamic logic to express everything from unit tests to full random generation (by just specifying Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.anyActions_ as the scenario). But for now, we focus on testing “no locked funds” properties.

Now, dynamic logic just specifies a generator for tests to perform; we still need to specify how to perform those tests. Usually, we just reuse the existing property we have already written, which runs the test case on the emulator and performs the usual checks. In this case, we can define

prop_FinishEscrow :: Property
prop_FinishEscrow = CM.forAllDL finishEscrow prop_Escrow

Then we can run the tests by passing the property to quickCheck, as usual:

> quickCheck prop_FinishEscrow
*** Failed! Falsified (after 1 test and 3 shrinks):
  [Do $ Init [(Wallet 2,2)]]
  [Action (Redeem (Wallet 1))]
  (EscrowModel {_contributions = fromList [],
                _targets = fromList [(Wallet 2,Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])]))],
                _phase = Running})

[Do $ Var 0 := Init [(Wallet 2,2)]]
Some (Redeem (Wallet 1))

The property fails, which is not surprising: our “finishing strategy” is quite simplistic, and not yet expected to work. But let us inspect the error message. The test failed because of a bad precondition, after running the sequence

Init [(Wallet 2,2)]

So we set up a target to pay wallet 2 a sum of 2 Ada. Then we tried to apply our finishing strategy, which is just for wallet 1 to issue a Redeem request:

Redeem (Wallet 1)

This wasn’t possible, because the precondition of Redeem wasn’t satisfied. The message also shows us the model state–we have set up the escrow targets successfully, but there are no contributions, and the Redeem precondition says that the contributions must cover the targets before Redeem is possible. So of course, it doesn’t work.

But the counterexample does show us what we need to do to make Redeem possible: we need to pay in sufficient contributions to cover the targets. So that suggests a refined finishing strategy:

finishingStrategy :: Wallet -> DL EscrowModel ()
finishingStrategy w = do
    currentPhase <- viewContractState phase
    when (currentPhase /= Initial) $ do
      currentTargets  <- viewContractState targets
      currentContribs <- viewContractState contributions
      let deficit = fold currentTargets <> inv (fold currentContribs)
      when (deficit `gt` Ada.adaValueOf 0) $
        action $ Pay w $ round $ Ada.getAda $ max minAdaTxOutEstimated $ Ada.fromValue deficit
      action $ Redeem w

We read the contributions and targets from the contract state, compute the remaining deficit, and if the deficit is positive, then we make a payment to cover it. After this, a Redeem should be successful. And indeed, testing the property passes: this finishing strategy works.

>  quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 1000 $ prop_FinishEscrow
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.

Actions (51925 in total):
73.483% Pay
14.278% Redeem
10.315% WaitUntil
 1.924% Init

Digression: revisiting a design decision

In section A third infelicity in the model, and a design issue above, we discussed the situation in which contributors pay in more to the escrow than is needed to meet the targets. The actual contract allows that, and so do we in our model; as a consequence we had to specify where the surplus funds end up on redemption (in the wallet that invokes Redeem). But there is another approach we could have taken: we could simply have said that Redeem requires the contributions and targets to match exactly, by strengthening the precondition:

precondition s (Redeem _) =
     currentPhase == Running
  && fold (s ^. contractState . contributions) == fold (s ^. contractState . targets)

This does make prop_Escrow pass:

> quickCheck prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (2845 in total):
82.81% Pay
13.78% WaitUntil
 3.30% Init
 0.11% Redeem

Actions rejected by precondition (870 in total):
88.3% Redeem
10.8% Pay
 0.9% Init

But should we be satisfied with this? There are warning signs in the statistics that QuickCheck collects:

  1. We have tested Redeem an extremely small number of times.

  2. A high proportion of generated Redeem actions were discarded by the precondition.

The explanation for this is that we can now only include Redeem in a test case if the previous (random) payments have hit the target exactly, and this is very unlikely. Moreover, once we have overshot the target, then further random payments cannot help.

We could add a stronger precondition to Pay, that forbids payments taking us over the target, and that would result in a better distribution of actions. But it is not a realistic solution, because at the end of the day, there is no way to prevent someone making a payment to a script on the Cardano blockchain. Making a payment to a contract does not require the contract’s approval.

So there is a problem here, but when we test prop_Escrow, then it is revealed only by careful inspection of the generated statistics–the property does not fail.

On the other hand, when we test prop_FinishEscrow, then it fails immediately:

> quickCheck prop_FinishEscrow
*** Failed! Falsified (after 5 tests and 6 shrinks):
  [Do $ Init [],
   Do $ Pay (Wallet 2) 2]
  [Action (Redeem (Wallet 1))]
  (EscrowModel {_contributions = fromList [(Wallet 2,Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])]))],
                _targets = fromList [],
                _phase = Running})

[Do $ Var 0 := Init [],Do $ Var 3 := Pay (Wallet 2) 2]
Some (Redeem (Wallet 1))

The counterexample sets up an escrow with an empty list of targets (which may seem odd, but is allowed, and tells us that no particular targets are needed to make the property fail). Then it makes a payment to the escrow, thus overshooting the targets. Finally, we try to use the given finishing strategy–which just attempts to use Redeem, and fails because the strong precondition we wrote does not allow it.

In this case, not only does the given finishing strategy fail, but the bug cannot be fixed: there is no possible finishing strategy that works. Once we have overshot the targets, there is no way to return to a state in which Redeem is possible! And that is why the contract authors did not follow this path: had they done so, then an attacker would be able to ‘brick’ an escrow contract just by making an unexpected payment to it.

Fair’s fair: Unilateral strategies

We saw above how to test that a finishing strategy succeeds in recovering all the tokens. But not all strategies are created equal. For example, suppose you use an escrow contract to buy an NFT. You place your funds in the escrow, but before the seller can place the NFT there, they get a better offer. Now the seller will never place the NFT in the escrow–and neither can the buyer–and so the buyer’s funds will be locked for ever, even though there is a way (using the NFT) to recover them.

This little story shows that there is a need for each wallet to be able to recover their “fair share” of the funds in the contract, without any other wallet’s cooperation. And the contract model framework provides a way of testing this too.

The idea is to provide two strategies, one that recovers all the tokens from contracts, and is also interpreted to define each wallet’s “fair share”, and a second strategy that can be followed by any single wallet, and recovers that wallet’s tokens. We call this kind of strategy a unilateral strategy; it is defined in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.DL monad in just the same way as the strategies we saw earlier, but only a single wallet is allowed to perform actions. Indeed, this is why we gave finishingStrategy a wallet as a parameter: it defines the unilateral strategy for that wallet. Since the strategy uses Redeem, which actually pays out all the targets, then we can reuse it as the general strategy too, just by choosing a wallet to perform it (and we chose wallet 1 above).

The framework lets us package the general and unilateral strategies together, into a “no locked funds proof”:

noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof EscrowModel
noLockProof = defaultNLFP
  { nlfpMainStrategy   = finishingStrategy w1
  , nlfpWalletStrategy = finishingStrategy    }


There are other components in a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.NoLockedFundsProof, which we will see later; we can ignore them for now, but we do need to take suitable default values from Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.defaultNLFP in the definition above.

and we can test them together using Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.checkNoLockedFundsProof

prop_NoLockedFunds :: Property
prop_NoLockedFunds = CM.checkNoLockedFundsProof noLockProof
> quickCheck prop_NoLockedFunds
*** Failed! Falsified (after 1 test and 5 shrinks):
  [Do $ Init [(Wallet 4,2)]]

Unilateral strategy for Wallet 4 should have gotten it at least
  SymValue {symValMap = fromList [], actualValPart = Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])])}
but it got
  SymValue {symValMap = fromList [], actualValPart = Value (Map [])}

The property actually fails, because if all we do is create a target that wallet 4 should receive 2 Ada, then wallet 4’s unilateral strategy is unable to recover that–even though, when wallet 1 follows the strategy, then wallet 4 does receive the money.

What happens here is that the general strategy, which is just the same strategy followed by wallet 1, does pay out to wallet 4, and so we define wallet 4’s “fair share” to be 2 Ada. But this isn’t really right, because since no Ada have been paid into the contract, then there are no tokens to disburse. Indeed, if anything, the “general” strategy is unfair to wallet 1, which has to stump up 2 Ada in this situation so that the escrow can be redeemed. So this test failure does reveal a fairness problem, even if the victim is really wallet 1 rather than wallet 4.

We will see how to fix this problem in the next section. In the meantime, to summarize, defining a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.NoLockedFundsProof requires us

  1. to define a general strategy that can recover all the tokens from the contracts under test, and moreover implies a fair share of the tokens for each wallet in any state (for example, a fair share of the profits-so-far of any trading contract),

  2. to define a unilateral strategy for each wallet, that can recover that wallet’s fair share of the tokens from any state, without cooperation from any other wallet.

Fixing the contract: refunds

The fundamental problem with the finishing strategy we have developed so far, is that in order to recover tokens already held by the contract, we may need to pay in even more tokens! This seems a poor design. It would make far more sense, in the event that the contract is not followed to completion, to refund contributions to the wallets that made them. And indeed, the actual implementation of the contract supports a Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow.refund endpoint as well.

To add refunds to our model, we need to add a new action

  data Action EscrowModel = Init [(Wallet, Integer)]
                          | Redeem Wallet
                          | Pay Wallet Integer
                          | Refund Wallet            -- NEW!
    deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

and add it to Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState, Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.precondition, Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.perform, and Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.arbitraryAction:

  nextState (Refund w) = do
      v <- viewContractState $ contributions . at w . to fold
      contributions %= Map.delete w
      deposit w v
      wait 1

  precondition s (Refund w) =
       currentPhase == Running
    && w `Map.member` (s ^. contractState . contributions)
    where currentPhase = s ^. contractState . phase

  perform h _ _ (Refund w) = do
      Trace.callEndpoint @"refund-escrow" (h $ WalletKey w) ()
      delay 1

  arbitraryAction s
      = frequency $ ... ++
                    [ (1, Refund <$> elements testWallets) ]

(In the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState clause, the first line uses a more complex lens to extract the contributions, select the value for wallet w, if present, and then pass the resulting Maybe Value to fold, thus returning zero if there was no contribution, and the value itself if there was). We also have to extend the testContract to include the refund endpoint:

testContract :: EscrowParams Datum -> Contract () EscrowSchema EscrowError ()
testContract params = selectList [ void $ payEp params
                                 , void $ redeemEp params
                                 , void $ refundEp params     -- NEW!
                                 ] >> testContract params

With these additions, prop_Escrow still passes, but now tests refunds as well:

> quickCheck prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (2625 in total):
66.44% Pay
12.46% WaitUntil
 9.64% Redeem
 7.96% Refund
 3.50% Init

Actions rejected by precondition (478 in total):
85.8% Refund
12.6% Pay
 1.7% Init

We can see that Refund is tested almost as often as Redeem, although many refunds are rejected by the precondition (which requires that there actually is a contribution to refund). This isn’t a big deal, though, because the overall proportion of rejected actions is low (15%), and sufficiently many Refund actions are being tested.

The payoff, though, is that we can now define a far better finishing strategy: the general strategy will just refund all the contributions, and the unilateral strategies will claim a refund for the wallet concerned.

finishingStrategy :: CM.DL EscrowModel ()
finishingStrategy = do
    contribs <- CM.viewContractState contributions
    CM.monitor (tabulate "Refunded wallets" [show . Map.size $ contribs])
    sequence_ [CM.action $ Refund w | w <- testWallets, w `Map.member` contribs]

walletStrategy :: Wallet -> CM.DL EscrowModel ()
walletStrategy w = do
    contribs <- CM.viewContractState contributions
    when (w `Map.member` contribs) $ CM.action $ Refund w


Here we use Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.monitor to gather statistics on the number of wallets receiving refunds during the finishing strategy, just to make sure, for example, that it is not always zero. We place such monitoring in the general strategy, not the wallet-specific ones, because the general strategy is invoked exactly once per test, while the wallet-specific ones may be invoked a variable–and unpredictable–number of times. This makes statistics gathered in the wallet-specific strategies harder to interpret.

We put these strategies together into a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.NoLockedFundsProof:

noLockProof :: CM.NoLockedFundsProof EscrowModel
noLockProof = CM.defaultNLFP
  { CM.nlfpMainStrategy   = finishingStrategy
  , CM.nlfpWalletStrategy = walletStrategy    }

and run tests:

> quickCheck prop_NoLockedFunds
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (31076 in total):
65.211% Pay
11.794% WaitUntil
10.117% Redeem
 9.506% Refund
 1.847% Init
 1.525% Unilateral

Refunded wallets (100 in total):
30% 2
23% 1
17% 4
16% 3
13% 0
 1% 5

Now the tests pass–each wallet can indeed recover its own fair share of tokens–and moreover we test each action fairly often, and the number of refunded wallets has a reasonable-looking distribution.


You will find the code presented in this section in Spec.Tutorial.Escrow3.

  1. Strengthen the precondition of Redeem to require the contributions and targets to match exactly, as discussed in Digression: revisiting a design decision. Verify that prop_Escrow passes and prop_FinishEscrow fails. Now, add a precondition to Pay to disallow payments that take the contributions over the target.

    1. Test prop_Escrow, and make sure it passes; have you achieved a better distribution of actions in tests?

    2. Test prop_FinishEscrow; does it pass now?

  2. The code provided uses the poor finishing strategy based on Redeem. Verify that prop_NoLockedFunds fails, and replace the strategy with the better one described above (you will find the code in comments in the file). Verify that prop_NoLockedFunds passes now.

    Do not be surprised if testing prop_NoLockedFunds is considerably slower than testing prop_FinishEscrow. The latter runs the emulator only once per test, while the former must run it repeatedly to test each wallet’s unilateral strategy.

  3. Sometimes a wallet which is targetted to receive funds might do better to complete the contributions and redeem the escrow, rather than refund its own contribution. Implement this idea as a per-wallet strategy, and see whether prop_NoLockedFunds still passes. Add a call of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.monitor to your strategy to gather statistics on how often Redeem is used instead of Refund.

Taking Time into Account

In the last section we added refunds to our tests; now a client can pay into an escrow, and claim a refund of their contribution freely–but this doesn’t really correspond to the intention of an escrow contract. In reality, an escrow contract should have a deadline for payments and redemption, with refunds permitted only after the deadline has passed. In fact, the real escrow contract, in Plutus.Contracts.Escrow, provides such a deadline: the main difference between this and the simplified contract we have tested so far, Plutus.Contracts.Tutorial.Escrow, is that the latter omits the deadline and associated checks.

In this section, we’ll switch to testing the real contract, which we can achieve just by changing the import in our model to be the real contract. (As usual, you can find the code presented in this section in Spec.Tutorial.Escrow4).

Slots and POSIXTime

Just changing the import leads to a compiler warning: the Plutus.Contracts.Escrow.EscrowParams type, which is passed to the contract under test, has a new field Plutus.Contracts.Escrow.escrowDeadline, and so far, our code does not initialise it. We will generate the deadlines, so that they vary from test to test, but there is a slight mismatch to overcome first. In a contract model we measure time in slots, but the Plutus.Contracts.Escrow.escrowDeadline field is not a slot number, it is a Plutus.V1.Ledger.Time.POSIXTime. So while we shall generate the deadline as a slot number (for convenience in the model), we must convert it to a Plutus.V1.Ledger.Time.POSIXTime before we can pass it to the contract under test.

To do so, we need to know when slot 0 happens in POSIX time, and how long the duration of each slot is. These are defined in a Cardano.Node.Emulator.TimeSlot.SlotConfig, a type defined in Cardano.Node.Emulator.TimeSlot. In principle the slot configuration might vary, but we will use the default values for testing (by using def from Data.Default as our configuration. Putting all this together, we can add a deadline to our Plutus.Contracts.Escrow.EscrowParams as follows:

escrowParams :: Slot -> [(Wallet, Integer)] -> EscrowParams d
escrowParams s tgts =
    { escrowTargets  =
        [ payToPaymentPubKeyTarget (mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash w) (Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n))
        | (w,n) <- tgts
    , escrowDeadline = scSlotZeroTime def + POSIXTime (getSlot s * scSlotLength def)     -- NEW!!!


If you are familiar with the POSIXTime type from Data.Time.Clock.POSIX, then beware that this is not the same type. That type has a resolution of picoseconds, while Plutus uses its own Plutus.V1.Ledger.Time.POSIXTime type with a resolution of milliseconds.

Initialising the deadline

The deadline, like the escrow targets, is fixed for each test, so it makes sense to add the deadline as a new field to the Init action–recall that it is the Init action that starts the contract instances under test, and so must supply the deadline as part of the Plutus.Contracts.Escrow.EscrowParams. So we add the deadline slot to this action

  data Action EscrowModel = Init Slot [(Wallet, Integer)]    -- NEW!!!
                          | Redeem Wallet
                          | Pay Wallet Integer
                          | Refund Wallet
    deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

and pass it to the contracts in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.startInstances method:

  startInstances _ (Init s wns) =
    [CM.StartContract (WalletKey w) (escrowParams s wns) | w <- testWallets]

Just as we record the escrow targets in the model state, so we will need to include the deadline as part of the model, so we extend our model type

data EscrowModel =
        { _contributions :: Map Wallet Value.Value
        , _targets       :: Map Wallet Value.Value
        , _refundSlot    :: Slot             -- NEW!!!
        , _phase         :: Phase
        } deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

and record the deadline in our model state transition:

  nextState (Init s wns) = do
      phase   .= Running
      targets .= Map.fromList [(w, Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n)) | (w,n) <- wns]
      refundSlot .= s                 -- NEW!!!

It just remains to generate deadline slots (we choose positive integers), and shrink them (by reusing integer shrinking):

  arbitraryAction s
    | s ^. CM.contractState . phase == Initial
      = Init <$> (Slot . getPositive <$> arbitrary) <*> arbitraryTargets
  shrinkAction _ (Init s tgts) = map (Init s) (shrinkList (\(w,n)->(w,)<$>shrink n) tgts)
                              ++ map (`Init` tgts) (map Slot . shrink . getSlot $ s)      -- NEW!!!

Now we are ready to run tests.

Modelling the passage of time

We can now run tests, but they do not pass:

> quickCheck prop_Escrow
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 5 tests and 7 shrinks):
 [Init (Slot {getSlot = 0}) [],
  Pay (Wallet 1) 2]
Expected funds of W[1] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
but they did not change
Test failed.
Emulator log:
[INFO] Slot 0: TxnValidate ee3a44b98e0325e19bc6be1e6f25cdb269301666a3473758296e96cd7ea9a851
[INFO] Slot 1: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
                 Contract instance started
[INFO] Slot 1: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000001 {Wallet W[2]}:
                 Contract instance started

We tried to pay 2 Ada from wallet 1, but the payment did not take effect. Notice that the generated deadline is slot zero, though; in other words, the deadline passed before we started the test. This might seem surprising, since we generated the deadline as a positive integer (and zero does not count as positive), but it is the result of shrinking. If we don’t want to test a deadline of slot zero, then we must strengthen the precondition of Init to prevent it.

Noting that the contract instances do not start until slot one, let us require the deadline slot to be greater than that–at least slot two. When we add this to the precondition then tests still fail, but the shrunk counterexample is different:

> quickCheck prop_Escrow
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 2 tests and 5 shrinks):
 [Init (Slot {getSlot = 2}) [],
  WaitUntil (Slot {getSlot = 2}),
  Pay (Wallet 3) 2]
Expected funds of W[3] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
but they did not change
Test failed.

This test case makes the problem easier to see: it

  1. first, initializes the deadline to slot 2

  2. then, waits until slot 2,

  3. and finally, attempts a payment, which does not go through.

The second action, WaitUntil, is one we have not seen in counterexamples previously; it only appears when timing is important to provoke a failure. In this case it’s now clear what the problem is: the contract does not allow payments after the deadline. So the next step is to encode this in our model.


WaitUntil actions are inserted automatically into test cases by the framework, to explore timing dependence. It is possible to control the probability of a WaitUntil action, and the distribution of the slots that we wait for, but it is often not necessary–the default behaviour is often good enough.

The contract model framework automatically keeps track of the current slot number for us, so we could write a precondition for Pay that refers explicitly to the slot number. However, all that really matters is whether or not the deadline has passed–and probably other parts of the model will depend on this too. So it is simpler to check for this in one place, and then just refer to it elsewhere in the model.

Now we can benefit from our choice earlier to introduce a phase field in the model: hitherto it has only distinguished initialization from running the test, but now we can add a new phase: Refunding

data Phase = Initial | Running | Refunding deriving (Eq, Show, CM.Generic)

The idea is that when the deadline passes, we move into the Refunding phase, and we can refer to the current phase in preconditions. In fact, our preconditions already refer to the phase, so with this change then Pay and Redeem will be restricted to take place before the deadline. All we have to do is to adjust the precondition for Refund, which should of course be restricted to after the deadline:

  precondition s a = case a of
    Init s tgts -> currentPhase == Initial
                && s > 1
                && and [Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n) `Value.geq` Ada.toValue minAdaTxOutEstimated | (_,n) <- tgts]
    Redeem _    -> currentPhase == Running
                && fold (s ^. CM.contractState . contributions) `Value.geq` fold (s ^. CM.contractState . targets)
    Pay _ v     -> currentPhase == Running
                && Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger v) `Value.geq` Ada.toValue minAdaTxOutEstimated
    Refund w    -> currentPhase == Refunding           -- NEW!!!
                && w `Map.member` (s ^. CM.contractState . contributions)
    where currentPhase = s ^. CM.contractState . phase

One question remains: where do we change the phase? Changing the phase changes the model state, but not in response to an Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.Action: it doesn’t matter whether or not an action is performed on the deadline, the phase must change anyway. This means that we cannot change the phase in the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState function, because this is invoked only when actions are performed. We need to be able to change the contract state in response to the passage of time. We can do this by defining the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextReactiveState method of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel class.

This method is called every time the slot number advances in the model (although not necessarily every slot–slot numbers can jump during a test). In this case all we need to do is compare the new slot number with the deadline, and move to the Refunding phase if appropriate:

  nextReactiveState slot = do
    deadline <- CM.viewContractState refundSlot
    when (slot >= deadline) $ phase .= Refunding

Now prop_Escrow passes.

Monitoring and the distribution of tests

Testing prop_Escrow generates some interesting statistics:

> quickCheck prop_Escrow
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (2291 in total):
62.03% WaitUntil
27.37% Pay
 3.71% Redeem
 3.62% Init
 3.27% Refund

Actions rejected by precondition (11626 in total):
70.437% Pay
23.757% Refund
 5.746% Redeem
 0.060% Init

In comparison with previous versions of this property, we can see from the first table that there are many more WaitUntil actions in these tests (previously they were around 10% of the tested actions). Moreover, we can see that many more generated actions were rejected by their precondition: we rejected over 11,000 actions, while generating 2291 that were included in tests. Rejecting so many actions is undesirable: not only does it waste testing time, but there is a risk that the distribution of accepted actions is quite different from that of generated actions, which can lead to ineffective testing.

But why do we see this behaviour? It is because once the deadline has passed, then neither Pay nor Redeem is possible; when we generate these actions, then they will always be rejected by their preconditions. Moreover, after the deadline then we can Refund each wallet at most once. Once the deadline has passed, and all the contributions have been refunded, then the preconditions allow no further actions–except WaitUntil. And so, test case generation will choose WaitUntil, over and over again, and this is why so many of them appear in our tests.

The following tables tell us more about the passage of time in our tests:

Wait interval (1421 in total):
28.85% <10
25.83% 10-19
23.15% 20-29
15.76% 30-39
 5.77% 40-49
 0.63% 50-59

Wait until (1421 in total):
14.07% 100-199
12.03% 1000-1999
 9.29% 200-299
 8.94% 300-399
 7.67% 400-499
 2.32% 2000-2999

The first table shows us how long we waited at each individual occurrence of WaitUntil: mostly under 30 slots, but up to 59 slots at a maximum. The second table shows us which slot numbers we waited until: we can see that many tests ran for several hundred slots, and indeed, some ran for over 2000 slots.

Luckily, waiting is cheap, but since we are performing fewer useful actions in each test, then we should probably run more tests overall for the same level of confidence in our code.

No locked funds?

We still need to test that we can recover all tokens from the escrow, and do so fairly. Recall our previous finishing strategy:

finishingStrategy :: DL EscrowModel ()
finishingStrategy = do
    contribs <- viewContractState contributions
    monitor (tabulate "Refunded wallets" [show . Map.size $ contribs])
    sequence_ [action $ Refund w | w <- testWallets, w `Map.member` contribs]

If we just use this as it is, it will fail. As before, we begin by testing prop_FinishEscrow, before we worry about unilateral strategies for individual wallets:

> quickCheck prop_FinishEscrow
*** Failed! Falsified (after 5 tests and 5 shrinks):
  [Do $ Init (Slot {getSlot = 3}) [],
   Do $ Pay (Wallet 3) 2]
  [Action (Refund (Wallet 3))]
  (EscrowModel {_contributions = fromList [(Wallet 3,Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])]))],
                _targets = fromList [],
                _refundSlot = Slot {getSlot = 3},
                _phase = Running})

In this test we set the deadline to slot 3, make a payment, and then the finishing strategy attempts to refund the payment… in slot two. It doesn’t work: the precondition forbids a refund in that slot. So we have to adapt our finishing strategy, which must simply wait until the deadline before refunding the contributions.

finishingStrategy :: CM.DL EscrowModel ()
finishingStrategy = do
    contribs <- CM.viewContractState contributions
    CM.monitor (tabulate "Refunded wallets" [show . Map.size $ contribs])
    waitUntilDeadline                                                  -- NEW!!!
    sequence_ [CM.action $ Refund w | w <- testWallets, w `Map.member` contribs]

To wait until the deadline, we use Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.waitUntilDL; since this fails if we try to wait until a slot in the past, then we have to check the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.currentSlot (maintained by the model) before we decide whether or not to wait.

waitUntilDeadline :: CM.DL EscrowModel ()
waitUntilDeadline = do
    deadline <- CM.viewContractState refundSlot
    slot     <- CM.viewModelState CM.currentSlot
    when (slot < deadline) $ CM.waitUntilDL deadline

With this extended strategy, the property passes:

> quickCheck prop_FinishEscrow
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (3588 in total):
68.87% WaitUntil
20.71% Pay
 4.77% Refund
 3.18% Redeem
 2.48% Init

Refunded wallets (100 in total):
67% 0
13% 2
 7% 1
 6% 3
 6% 4
 1% 5

The strategy works, but the statistics we gathered on the number of wallets to be refunded in each test are a little suspect. In two thirds of the tests, there were no refunds to be made! This is not ideal, given that we are testing whether or not our refund strategy works.

This leads us to wonder: which phase of the test did we reach before testing our finishing strategy? To find out, we can just add a couple of lines to the finishingStrategy code, to Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.monitor the phase:

finishingStrategy :: DL EscrowModel ()
finishingStrategy = do
    contribs <- viewContractState contributions
    monitor (tabulate "Refunded wallets" [show . Map.size $ contribs])
    phase <- viewContractState phase           -- NEW!!!
    monitor $ tabulate "Phase" [show phase]    -- NEW!!!
    sequence_ [action $ Refund w | w <- testWallets, w `Map.member` contribs]

Testing the property again, we see

Phase (100 in total):
68% Refunding
32% Running

So in two thirds of our tests, we had already reached the Refunding phase before the finishing strategy was invoked–which means, in many cases, that the addition we made to the strategy was not needed.

While we certainly want to run some tests of the finishing strategy starting in the Refunding phase, two thirds seems far too many. How can we ensure that more tests invoke the strategy in the Running phase? The simplest way is just to choose longer deadlines. There is no particular reason why QuickCheck’s default positive integer distribution should be the right one for deadlines. The simplest way to increase the values chosen is just to apply QuickCheck’s scale combinator to the generator concerned:

  arbitraryAction s
    | s ^.contractState . phase == Initial
      = Init <$> (Slot . getPositive <$> scale (*10) arbitrary) <*> arbitraryTargets

Here we scale the positive integer generator by multiplying the QuickCheck size parameter by ten before generating; the effect is to increase the range of values by a factor of ten.

Is ten the right number? The only way to tell is to run tests and measure how often we reach the refunding stage:

> quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 1000 $ prop_FinishFast
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests.

Phase (1000 in total):
81.5% Running
18.5% Refunding

Refunded wallets (1000 in total):
34.1% 0
18.5% 1
17.3% 2
13.5% 3
11.2% 4
 5.4% 5

It seems that we reach the refunding stage in around 20% of tests, which seems reasonable. Moreover the propertion of cases in which there are no refunds to be made is now lower–one third instead of two thirds. So this is a useful improvement.

Finally, we also need to update the unilateral strategy for each wallet in the same way. Once we have done so, then prop_NoLockedFunds passes again.

Digression: testing the model alone for speed

We ran a thousand tests to measure the proportion that reach the refunding stage, because one hundred tests is rather few to estimate this percentage from. In fact even a thousand tests is rather few to get accurate results; repeating that thousand-test run ten times yielded a refunding-percentage ranging from 17.4% to 21.6%. Ideally one might run millions of tests to measure the distribution, so we can tune the generation more accurately. Yet running a thousand tests is already quite slow, because of the speed of the emulator.

However, it is not actually necessary to run the tests, to measure their distribution! The measurements we are making depend only on the model, and so we can make them much more rapidly by taking the emulator out of the test. This is simple to do: recall we defined prop_FinishEscrow by

prop_FinishEscrow :: Property
prop_FinishEscrow = CM.forAllDL finishEscrow prop_Escrow

which generates a test case from the dynamic logic test scenario finishEscrow, and then runs it using prop_Escrow. All we have to do to take out the emulator is to replace prop_Escrow by the property that is always True:

prop_FinishFast :: Property
prop_FinishFast = forAllDL finishEscrow $ const True

This property generates tests in exactly the same way, and gathers statistics in the same way (and checks preconditions in the same way), but does not actually run the test on the emulator. In other words, it’s an excellent test of the model, and can be used to tune it (or find bugs in it) without the cost of emulation.

With this version, we can at least run 100,000 tests in a short time, and obtain much more accurate statistics:

> quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 100000 $ prop_FinishFast
+++ OK, passed 100000 tests.

Phase (100000 in total):
80.514% Running
19.486% Refunding

Refunded wallets (100000 in total):
34.204% 0
18.387% 1
17.514% 2
14.877% 3
10.016% 4
 5.002% 5

The results confirm that the distribution of test cases is reasonably good.


You will find the code discussed in this section in Spec.Tutorial.Escrow4.

  1. Run quickCheck prop_Escrow and observe the distributions reported. You will see that, even though we have extended the escrow deadlines, many actions are still rejected by their preconditions. Adapt the generator for actions, so that it only generates each action during the correct phase. How does that affect the proportion of rejected actions?

  2. The supplied code still has a buggy walletStrategy. Verify this by checking that prop_NoLockedFunds fails, and inspect the counterexample. Correct the walletStrategy, and veryify that prop_NoLockedFunds now passes.

  3. The code also contains a fast version of prop_NoLockedFunds that does not run the emulator. Use this property to test your model, with and without the fix to the walletStrategy. You should find that the bug is found anyway (it is at the model level), and that verifying that it has been fixed runs satisfyingly faster.

  4. Modify the provided code to remove the scaling we applied to the deadline generator, and test prop_FinishFast repeatedly to judge the effect on the test case distribution. Reinsert the bug in walletStrategy, and use

    quickCheck . withMaxSuccess 10000 $ prop_NoLockedFundsFast

    to find it. Run this repeatedly, and make an estimate of the number of tests needed to find the bug. Reinsert the scaling, and repeat your estimate. Hopefully this will help persuade you of the value of tuning your test case distributions!

Measuring coverage of on-chain code

It is always good practice to measure the source-code coverage of tests. Coverage information provides a sanity check that nothing has been missed altogether: while covering a line of code is no guarantee that a bug in that line will be revealed, failing to cover a line of code does guarantee that any bug there will not be found. For critical code, it is reasonable to aim for 100% coverage.

Coverage of Haskell code can be measured using the Haskell Program Coverage toolkit; we will not discuss this further here. But while this works well for measuring the coverage of off-chain code, it does not apply to on-chain code, because this is compiled using the Plutus compiler and executed on the blockchain, rather than by GHC. If we want to measure the coverage of on-chain code–which is the most critical code in a Plutus contract–then we need to use a separate tool. This is what we cover in this section.

Adding a coverage index

In order to generate a coverage report, the framework needs to know

  1. what was covered by tests,

  2. what should have been covered.

Indeed, the most important part of a coverage report is often the parts that were not covered by tests. This latter information–what should be covered–is represented by a PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageIndex that the Plutus compiler constructs. Since the Plutus compiler is invoked using Template Haskell in the code of the contract itself, then this is where we have to save, and export, the coverage index. That is, we must make additions to the code of a contract in order to enable coverage measurement.

To do so, we first inspect the code, and find all the occurrences of PlutusTx.compile. In the case of the escrow contract, they are in the definition of Plutus.Contracts.Escrow.typedValidator:

typedValidator :: EscrowParams Datum -> Scripts.TypedValidator Escrow
typedValidator escrow = go (Haskell.fmap Scripts.datumHash escrow) where
    go = Scripts.mkTypedValidatorParam @Escrow
        $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validate ||])
        $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| wrap ||])
    wrap = Scripts.mkUntypedValidator

The on-chain code consists of validate and wrap. The latter is a library function, whose coverage we do not need to measure, so we just add (and export) a definition of a PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageIndex that covers validate:

covIdx :: PlutusTx.CoverageIndex
covIdx = PlutusTx.getCovIdx $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validate ||])


It is important that the coverage index is computed in the same module as the calls to PlutusTx.compile, or else the Haskell compiler–and thus by extension, the Plutus compiler–may produce different code for the coverage index and for the code under test, resulting in misleading coverage reports.

It just remains to import the necessary types and functions

import PlutusTx.Code qualified as PlutusTx
import PlutusTx.Coverage qualified as PlutusTx

and to supply GHC options that cause the Plutus compiler to generate coverage information:

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -g -fplugin-opt PlutusTx.Plugin:coverage-all #-}

With these additions, the contract implementation is ready for coverage measurement.

Measuring coverage

Once we have created a suitable PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageIndex, we must create a test that uses it. To do so, we need to

  1. Run the test using Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.quickCheckWithCoverage, and give it coverage options specifying the coverage index,

  2. Pass the (modified) coverage options that Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.quickCheckWithCoverage constructs in to Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.propRunActionsWithOptions (instead of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.propRunActions_) when we run the action sequence, and

  3. (Ideally) visualize the resulting PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageReport as annotated source code.

Here is the code to do all this (we also need to import Plutus.Contract.Test.Coverage):

check_propEscrowWithCoverage :: IO ()
check_propEscrowWithCoverage = do
  cr <- CM.quickCheckWithCoverage stdArgs (set coverageIndex covIdx defaultCoverageOptions) $ \covopts ->
    withMaxSuccess 1000 $
      CM.propRunActionsWithOptions @EscrowModel CM.defaultCheckOptionsContractModel covopts
        (const (pure True))
  writeCoverageReport "Escrow" cr

First we call Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.quickCheckWithCoverage with options containing covIdx; it passes modified options to the rest of the property. We test the property 1000 times, so that we are very likely to cover all the reachable code in the tests. We cannot just reuse prop_Escrow, because we must pass in the modified coverage options covopts when we run the actions, but otherwise this is just the same as prop_Escrow. The result returned by Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.quickCheckWithCoverage is a PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageReport, which is difficult to interpret by itself, so we bind it to cr and then generate an HTML file Escrow.html using Plutus.Contract.Test.Coverage.writeCoverageReport.

Running this does take a little while, because we run a large number of tests; on the other hand, diagnosing why a part of the code has not been covered can be very time-consuming, and is wasted effort if the reason is simply that we were unlucky when we ran the tests. It is worth waiting a few minutes for more accurate coverage data, before starting this kind of diagnosis.

Quite a lot of output is generated, including lists of coverage items that were covered respectively not covered. We shall ignore these for now; the same information is presented much more readably in the generated HTML file. But note that we do see statistics on endpoint invocations:

> check_propEscrowWithCoverage
+++ OK, passed 1000 tests:
63.1% Contract instance for W[4] at endpoint pay-escrow
62.5% Contract instance for W[1] at endpoint pay-escrow
62.5% Contract instance for W[2] at endpoint pay-escrow
61.2% Contract instance for W[3] at endpoint pay-escrow
60.8% Contract instance for W[5] at endpoint pay-escrow
29.1% Contract instance for W[5] at endpoint redeem-escrow
28.2% Contract instance for W[1] at endpoint redeem-escrow
27.4% Contract instance for W[3] at endpoint redeem-escrow
25.8% Contract instance for W[2] at endpoint redeem-escrow
25.6% Contract instance for W[4] at endpoint redeem-escrow
 4.5% Contract instance for W[1] at endpoint refund-escrow
 4.1% Contract instance for W[2] at endpoint refund-escrow
 3.9% Contract instance for W[4] at endpoint refund-escrow
 3.5% Contract instance for W[3] at endpoint refund-escrow
 3.3% Contract instance for W[5] at endpoint refund-escrow


This table tells us what percentage of test cases made a call to each endpoint from the given wallet; for example, 63.1% of test cases made (somewhere) a call to the pay-escrow endpoint from wallet 4. As we can see, the pay-escrow endpoint is called in most tests from each wallet, redeem-escrow is a bit rarer, and refund-escrow is used quite rarely. Most serious, of course, would be if one of the endpoints doesn’t appear in this table at all.

It is possible to supply coverage goals for each wallet/endpoint combination via an additional coverage option. We don’t consider this further here, except to note that by default the framework expects each combination to appear in 20% of tests, and so we get warnings in this case:

Only 4.5% Contract instance for W[1] at endpoint refund-escrow, but expected 20.0%
Only 4.1% Contract instance for W[2] at endpoint refund-escrow, but expected 20.0%
Only 3.5% Contract instance for W[3] at endpoint refund-escrow, but expected 20.0%
Only 3.9% Contract instance for W[4] at endpoint refund-escrow, but expected 20.0%
Only 3.3% Contract instance for W[5] at endpoint refund-escrow, but expected 20.0%

These warnings can be eliminated by specifying more appropriate (lower) coverage goals for these endpoint calls.

Interpreting the coverage annotations

Running the test above writes annotated source code to Escrow.html. The entire contents of the file are reproduced here. The report contains all of the on-chain code provided in the PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageIndex, together with a few lines of code around it for context. Off-chain code appears in grey, so it can be distinguished. On-chain code on a white background was covered by tests, and we know no more about it. Code on a red or green background was also covered, but it is a boolean expression, and only took one value (red for False, green for True). Orange code on a black background is on-chain code that was not covered at all–and thus may represent a gap in testing.

Looking at the last section of code in the report,

   365    covIdx :: CoverageIndex
   366    covIdx = getCovIdx $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| val

we see that it is the construction of the coverage index, and parts of this code are labelled on-chain and uncovered. We can ignore this, it’s simply an artefact of the way the code labelling is done.

More interesting is the second section of the report:

   201    {-# INLINABLE validate #-}
   202    validate :: EscrowParams DatumHash -> PaymentPubKeyHash -> Action -> ScriptContext -> Bool
   203    validate EscrowParams{escrowDeadline, escrowTargets} contributor action ScriptContext{scriptContextTxInfo} =
   204        case action of
   205            Redeem ->
   206                traceIfFalse "escrowDeadline-after" (escrowDeadline `after` txInfoValidRange scriptContextTxInfo)
   207                && traceIfFalse "meetsTarget" (all (meetsTarget scriptContextTxInfo) escrowTargets)
   208            Refund ->
   209                traceIfFalse "escrowDeadline-before" ((escrowDeadline - 1) `before` txInfoValidRange scriptContextTxInfo)
   210                && traceIfFalse "txSignedBy" (scriptContextTxInfo `txSignedBy` unPaymentPubKeyHash contributor)

This is the main validator, and while some of its code is coloured white, much of it is coloured green. This means the checks in this function always returned True in our tests; we have not tested the cases in which they return False.

This does indicate a weakness in our testing: since these checks always passed in our tests, then those tests would also have passed if the checks were removed completely (replaced by True)–but the contract would have been quite wrong. We will return to this point later, when we discuss negative testing. For now, though, we just note that if the checks had returned False, then the transaction would have failed–and the off-chain code is, of course, designed not to submit failing transactions. So, in a sense, we should expect this code to be coloured green–at least, when we test through well-designed off-chain endpoints, as we have been doing.

This code fragment also contains some entirely uncovered code–the strings passed to PlutusTx.Trace.traceIfFalse to be used as error messages if a check fails. Since correct off-chain code never submits failing transactions, then these error messages are never used–and hence the code is labelled as ‘uncovered’. Again, this is not really a problem.

The most interesting part of the report is the first section:

   190    meetsTarget :: TxInfo -> EscrowTarget DatumHash -> Bool
   191    meetsTarget ptx = \case
   192        PaymentPubKeyTarget pkh vl ->
   193            valuePaidTo ptx (unPaymentPubKeyHash pkh) `geq` vl
   194        ScriptTarget validatorHash dataValue vl ->
   195            case scriptOutputsAt validatorHash ptx of
   196                [(dataValue', vl')] ->
   197                    traceIfFalse "dataValue" (dataValue' == dataValue)
   198                    && traceIfFalse "value" (vl' `geq` vl)
   199                _ -> False

This is the function that is used to check that each target payment is made when the escrow is redeemed, and as we see from the coverage report, there are two cases, of which only one has been tested. In fact the two cases handle payments to a wallet, and payments to a script, and the second kind of payment is not tested at all by our tests–yet it is handled by entirely different code in the on-chain function.

This exposes a serious deficiency in the tests developed so far: they give us no evidence at all that target payments to a script work as intended. To test this code as well, we would need to add ‘proxy’ contracts to the tests, to act as recipients for such payments. We leave making this extension as an exercise for the reader.

The generated coverage report

This is the generated coverage report in its entirety:



   186    --   spending transaction to be paid to target addresses. This may happen if
   187    --   the target address is also used as a change address for the spending
   188    --   transaction, and allowing the target to be exceed prevents outsiders from
   189    --   poisoning the contract by adding arbitrary outputs to the script address.
   190    meetsTarget :: TxInfo -> EscrowTarget DatumHash -> Bool
   191    meetsTarget ptx = \case
   192        PaymentPubKeyTarget pkh vl ->
   193            valuePaidTo ptx (unPaymentPubKeyHash pkh) `geq` vl
   194        ScriptTarget validatorHash dataValue vl ->
   195            case scriptOutputsAt validatorHash ptx of
   196                [(dataValue', vl')] ->
   197                    traceIfFalse "dataValue" (dataValue' == dataValue)
   198                    && traceIfFalse "value" (vl' `geq` vl)
   199                _ -> False
   201    {-# INLINABLE validate #-}
   202    validate :: EscrowParams DatumHash -> PaymentPubKeyHash -> Action -> ScriptContext -> Bool
   203    validate EscrowParams{escrowDeadline, escrowTargets} contributor action ScriptContext{scriptContextTxInfo} =
   204        case action of
   205            Redeem ->
   206                traceIfFalse "escrowDeadline-after" (escrowDeadline `after` txInfoValidRange scriptContextTxInfo)
   207                && traceIfFalse "meetsTarget" (all (meetsTarget scriptContextTxInfo) escrowTargets)
   208            Refund ->
   209                traceIfFalse "escrowDeadline-before" ((escrowDeadline - 1) `before` txInfoValidRange scriptContextTxInfo)
   210                && traceIfFalse "txSignedBy" (scriptContextTxInfo `txSignedBy` unPaymentPubKeyHash contributor)
   212    typedValidator :: EscrowParams Datum -> Scripts.TypedValidator Escrow
   213    typedValidator escrow = go (Haskell.fmap Ledger.datumHash escrow) where
   214        go = Scripts.mkTypedValidatorParam @Escrow
   215            $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validate ||])
   361        -- Pay the value 'vl' into the contract
   362        _ <- pay inst params vl
   363        go
   365    covIdx :: CoverageIndex
   366    covIdx = getCovIdx $$(PlutusTx.compile [|| validate ||])

Crashes, and how to tolerate them

One awkward possibility, that we cannot avoid, is that a contract instance might crash during execution–for example, because of a power failure to the machine it is running on. We don’t want anything to be lost permanently as a result–it should be possible to recover by restarting the contract instance, perhaps in a different state, and continue. Yet how should we test this? We need to deliberately crash and restart contracts in tests, and check that they still behave as the model says they should.

The Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel framework provides a simple way to extend a contract model, so that it can test crash-tolerance too. If m is a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel instance, then so is WithCrashTolerance m–and testing the latter model will insert actions to crash and restart contract instances at random. To define a property that runs these tests, all we have to do is import Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.CrashTolerance and include Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.CrashTolerance.WithCrashTolerance in the type signature:

prop_CrashTolerance :: CM.Actions (WithCrashTolerance EscrowModel) -> Property
prop_CrashTolerance = CM.propRunActions_

(The actual code here is the same as prop_Escrow, only the type is different).

We do have to provide a little more information before we can run tests, though.

  1. Firstly, we cannot expect to include an action in a test, when the contract(s) that should perform the action are not running. We thus need to tell the framework whether or not an action is available, given the contracts currently running.

  2. Secondly, when we restart a contract it may need to take some recovery action, and so we must be able to give it the necessary information to recover. We achieve this by specifying possibly-different contract parameters to use, when a contract is restarted. These parameters may depend on the model state.

We provide this information by defining an instance of the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.CrashTolerance.CrashTolerance class:

instance CrashTolerance EscrowModel where
  available (Init _ _) _     = True
  available a          alive = (Key $ WalletKey w) `elem` alive
    where w = case a of
                Pay w _  -> w
                Redeem w -> w
                Refund w -> w
                Init _ _ -> undefined

  restartArguments s WalletKey{} = escrowParams' slot tgts
    where slot = s ^. CM.contractState . refundSlot
          tgts = Map.toList (s ^. CM.contractState . targets)

The Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.CrashTolerance.available method returns True if an action is available, given a list of active contract keys alive; since contract instance keys have varying types, then the list actually contains keys wrapped in an existential type, which is why the Key constructor appears there.

The Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.CrashTolerance.restartArguments method provides the parameter for restarting an escrow contract, which in this case can be just the same as when the contract was first started. We need to recover the targets from the model state, in which they are represented as a Map Wallet Value, so we convert them back to a list and refactor the escrowParams function so we can give escrowParams' a list of (Wallet, Value) pairs, rather than a list of (Wallet, Int):

escrowParams :: Slot -> [(Wallet, Integer)] -> EscrowParams d
escrowParams s tgts = escrowParams' s [(w, Ada.adaValueOf (fromInteger n)) | (w,n) <- tgts]

escrowParams' :: Slot -> [(Wallet, Value.Value)] -> EscrowParams d
escrowParams' s tgts' =
    { escrowTargets  = [ payToPaymentPubKeyTarget (mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash w) v | (w,v) <- tgts' ]
    , escrowDeadline = scSlotZeroTime def + POSIXTime (getSlot s * scSlotLength def)

It is possible to define the effect of crashing or restarting a contract instance on the model too, if need be, by defining additional methods in this class. In this case, though, crashing and restarting ought to be entirely transparent, so we can omit them.

Surprisingly, the tests do not pass!

> quickCheck prop_CrashTolerance
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 24 tests and 26 shrinks):
 [Init (Slot {getSlot = 6}) [(Wallet 1,2),(Wallet 4,2)],
  Crash (WalletKey (Wallet 4)),
  Restart (WalletKey (Wallet 4)),
  Pay (Wallet 4) 4,
  Redeem (Wallet 1)]
Expected funds of W[4] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-4000000)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
Expected funds of W[1] to change by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",2000000)])])
but they did not change
Contract instance log failed to validate:
Slot 5: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000000 {Wallet W[1]}:
          Contract instance stopped with error: RedeemFailed NotEnoughFundsAtAddress

Here we simply set up targets with two beneficiaries, crash and restart wallet 4, pay sufficient contributions to cover the targets, and then try to redeem the escrow, which seems straightforward enough, and yet the redemption thinks there are not enough funds in the escrow, even though we just paid them in!

This failure is a little tricky to debug. A clue is that the payment was made by a contract instance that has been restarted, while the redemption was made by a contract that has not. Do the payment and redemption actually refer to the same escrow? In fact the targets supplied to the contract instance are not necessarily exactly the same: the contract receives a list of targets, but in the model we represented them as a map–and converted the list of targets to a map, and back again, when we restarted the contract. That means the order of the targets might be different.

Could that make a difference? To find out, we can just sort the targets before passing them to the contract instance, thus guaranteeing the same order every time:

escrowParams' :: Slot -> [(Wallet,Value)] -> EscrowParams d
escrowParams' s tgts' =
    { escrowTargets  = [ payToPaymentPubKeyTarget (mockWalletPaymentPubKeyHash w) v
                       | (w,v) <- sortBy (compare `on` fst) tgts' ]                  -- NEW!!
    , escrowDeadline = scSlotZeroTime def + POSIXTime (getSlot s * scSlotLength def)

Once we do this, the tests pass. We can also see from the resulting statistics that quite a lot of crashing and restarting is going on:

> quickCheck prop_CrashTolerance
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (2721 in total):
42.48% Pay
24.99% WaitUntil
13.08% Crash
 9.52% Restart
 6.06% Redeem
 3.01% Init
 0.85% Refund

Perhaps it’s debatable whether or not the behaviour we uncovered here is a bug, but it is certainly a feature–it was not obvious in advance that specifying the same targets in a different order would create an independent escrow, but that is what happens. So for example, if a buyer and seller using an escrow contract to exchange an NFT for Ada specify the two targets in different orders, then they would place their assets in independent escrow that cannot be redeemed until the refund deadline passes. Arguably a better designed contract would sort the targets by wallet, as we have done here, before creating any UTXOs, so that the problem cannot arise.


You will find the code discussed here in Spec.Tutorial.Escrow6, without the addition of sortBy to escrowParams.

  1. Run quickCheck prop_CrashTolerance to provoke a test failure. Examine the counterexample and the test output, and make sure you understand how the test fails. Run this test several times: you will see the failure in several different forms, with the same underlying cause. Make sure you understand how each failure arises.

    Why does quickCheck always report a test case with two target payments–why isn’t one target enough to reveal the problem?

  2. Add sorting to the model, and verify that the tests now pass.

  3. An alternative way to fix the model is not to convert the targets to a Map in the model state, but just keep them as a list of pairs, so that exactly the same list can be supplied to the contract instances when they are restarted. Implement this change, and verify that the tests still pass.

    Which solution do you prefer? Arguably this one reflects the actual design of the contract more closely, since the model makes explicit that the order of the targets matters.

Debugging the Auction contract with model assertions

In this section, we’ll apply the techniques we have seen so far to test another contract, and we’ll see how they reveal some surprising behaviour. The contract we take this time is the auction contract in Plutus.Contracts.Auction. This module actually defines two contracts, a seller contract and a buyer contract. The seller puts up a Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value for sale, creating an auction UTXO containing the value, and buyers can then bid Ada for it. When the auction deadline is reached, the highest bidder receives the auctioned value, and the seller receives the bid.

Modelling the Auction contract

Spec.Auction contains a contract model for testing this contract. The value for sale is a custom token, wallet 1 is the seller, and the deadline used for testing is fixed at slot 101; the generated tests just consist of an Init action to start the auction, and a series of Bid actions by the other wallets.

    data Action AuctionModel = Init | Bid Wallet Integer
        deriving (Eq, Show, Data)

The model keeps track of the highest bid and bidder, and the current phase the auction is in:

data AuctionModel = AuctionModel
    { _currentBid :: Integer
    , _winner     :: Wallet
    , _endSlot    :: Slot
    , _phase      :: Phase
    } deriving (Show, Eq, Data)

data Phase = NotStarted | Bidding | AuctionOver
    deriving (Eq, Show, Data)

It is updated by the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState method on each bid:

    nextState cmd = do
        case cmd of
            Init -> do
                phase .= Bidding
                withdraw w1 $ Ada.toValue Ledger.minAdaTxOutEstimated <> theToken
                wait 3
            Bid w bid -> do
                currentPhase <- viewContractState phase
                when (currentPhase == Bidding) $ do
                    current <- viewContractState currentBid
                    leader  <- viewContractState winner
                    withdraw w $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf bid
                    deposit leader $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf current
                    currentBid .= bid
                    winner     .= w
                wait 2

Note that when a higher bid is received, the previous bid is returned to the bidder.

We only allow bids that are larger than the previous one (which is why Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextState doesn’t need to check this):

    precondition s Init = s ^. contractState . phase == NotStarted
    precondition s (Bid w bid) =
      -- In order to place a bid, we need to satisfy the constraint where
      -- each tx output must have at least N Ada.
      s ^. contractState . phase /= NotStarted &&
      bid >= Ada.getLovelace (Ledger.minAdaTxOutEstimated) &&
      bid > s ^. contractState . currentBid

The most interesting part of the model covers what happens when the auction deadline is reached: in contrast to the Escrow contract, the highest bid is paid to the seller automatically, and the buyer receives the token. We model this using the Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextReactiveState method introduced in section Modelling the passage of time

    nextReactiveState slot' = do
      end  <- viewContractState endSlot
      p    <- viewContractState phase
      when (slot' >= end && p == Bidding) $ do
        w   <- viewContractState winner
        bid <- viewContractState currentBid
        phase .= AuctionOver
        deposit w $ Ada.toValue Ledger.minAdaTxOutEstimated <> theToken
        deposit w1 $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf bid

Finally we can define the property to test; in this case we have to supply some options to initialize wallet 1 with the token to be auctioned:

prop_Auction :: Actions AuctionModel -> Property
prop_Auction script =
    propRunActionsWithOptions (set minLogLevel Info options) defaultCoverageOptions
        (\ _ -> pure True)  -- TODO: check termination

The only important part here is options, which is defined as follows:

-- | The token that we are auctioning off.
theToken :: Value
theToken =
    -- This currency is created by the initial transaction.
    someTokenValue "token" 1

-- | 'CheckOptions' that includes 'theToken' in the initial distribution of Wallet 1.
options :: CheckOptions
options = defaultCheckOptionsContractModel
    & changeInitialWalletValue w1 ((<>) theToken)

Unsurprisingly, the tests pass.

> quickCheck prop_Auction
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (2348 in total):
85.82% Bid
10.35% WaitUntil
 3.83% Init

No locked funds?

Now we have a basic working model of the auction contract, we can begin to test more subtle properties. To begin with, can we recover the funds held by the contract? The strategy to try is obvious: all we have to do is wait for the deadline to pass. So prop_FinishAuction is very simple:

finishAuction :: DL AuctionModel ()
finishAuction = do
    assertModel "Locked funds are not zero" (symIsZero . lockedValue)

finishingStrategy :: DL AuctionModel ()
finishingStrategy = do
    slot <- viewModelState currentSlot
    end  <- viewContractState endSlot
    when (slot < end) $ waitUntilDL end

prop_FinishAuction :: Property
prop_FinishAuction = forAllDL finishAuction prop_Auction

This property passes too:

> quickCheck prop_FinishAuction
+++ OK, passed 100 tests.

Actions (3152 in total):
84.77% Bid
12.25% WaitUntil
 2.98% Init

Now, to supply a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.NoLockedFundsProof we need a general strategy for fund recovery, and a wallet-specific one. Since all we have to do is wait, we can use the same strategy as both.

noLockProof :: NoLockedFundsProof AuctionModel
noLockProof = defaultNLFP
  { nlfpMainStrategy   = finishingStrategy
  , nlfpWalletStrategy = const finishingStrategy }

Surprisingly, these tests fail!

> quickCheck prop_NoLockedFunds
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 2 tests and 1 shrink):
  [Do $ Init,
   Do $ Bid (Wallet 3) 2000000]

The ContractModel's Unilateral behaviour for Wallet 3 does not match the
actual behaviour for actions:
 [Var 0 := Init,
  Var 1 := Bid (Wallet 3) 2000000,
  Var 2 := Unilateral (Wallet 3),
  Var 3 := WaitUntil (Slot {getSlot = 101})]
Expected funds of W[1] to change by
  Value (Map [(363d...,Map [("token",-1)])])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)]),(363d...,Map [("token",-1)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
Expected funds of W[3] to change by
  Value (Map [(363d...,Map [("token",1)])])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)]),(363d...,Map [("token",-1)])])
Test failed.

This test just started the auction and submitted a bid from wallet 3, then stopped all the other wallets (this is what Unilateral (Wallet 3) does), before waiting until the auction deadline. This resulted in a different distribution of funds from the one the model predicts. Looking at the last part of the message, we see that we expected wallet 3 to get the token, but it did not; neither did it get its bid back. Wallet 1 did lose the token, though, and in addition lost the 2 Ada required to create the auction UTXO in the first place.

What is going on? The strategy worked in the general case, but failed in the unilateral case, which tells us that the buyer requires the cooperation of the seller in order to recover the auctioned token. Why? Well, our description of the contract above was a little misleading: the proceeds of the auction cannot be paid out automatically just because the deadline passes; the Cardano blockchain won’t do that. Instead, someone must submit the payout transaction. In the case of this contract, it’s the seller: even though there is no endpoint call at the deadline, the seller’s off-chain code continues running throughout the auction, and when the deadline comes it submits the payout transaction. So if the seller’s contract is stopped, then no payout occurs.

This is not a very serious bug, because the on-chain code allows anyone to submit the payout transaction, so the buyer could in principle do so. However, the existing off-chain code does not provide an endpoint for this, and so recovering the locked funds would require writing a new version of the off-chain code (or rolling a suitable transaction by hand).

Model assertions, and unexpected expectations.

Looking back at the failed test again, the expected wallet contents are actually a little unexpected:

 [Var 0 := Init,
  Var 1 := Bid (Wallet 3) 2000000,
  Var 2 := Unilateral (Wallet 3),
  Var 3 := WaitUntil (Slot {getSlot = 101})]
Expected funds of W[1] to change by
  Value (Map [(363d...,Map [("token",-1)])])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)]),(363d...,Map [("token",-1)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)])])

Notice that, even though wallet 3 made a bid of 2 Ada, we expected the seller to end up without the token, but with no extra money. Wouldn’t we expect the seller to end up with 2 Ada?

Because prop_Auction passed, then we know that in the absence of a Unilateral then the model and the contract implementation agree on fund transfers. But does the model actually predict that the seller gets the winning bid? This can be a little hard to infer from the state transitions themselves; we can check that each action appears to do the right thing, but whether the end result is as expected is not necessarily immediately obvious.

We can address this kind of problem by adding assertions to the model. The model tracks the change in each wallet’s balance since the beginning of the test, so we can add an assertion, at the point where the auction ends, that checks that the seller loses the token and gains the winning bid. We just a little code to Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.nextReactiveState:

    nextReactiveState slot' = do
      end  <- viewContractState endSlot
      p    <- viewContractState phase
      when (slot' >= end && p == Bidding) $ do
        w   <- viewContractState winner
        bid <- viewContractState currentBid
        phase .= AuctionOver
        deposit w $ Ada.toValue Ledger.minAdaTxOutEstimated <> theToken
        deposit w1 $ Ada.lovelaceValueOf bid
        -- NEW!!!
        w1change <- viewModelState $ balanceChange w1  -- since the start of the test
        assertSpec ("w1 final balance is wrong:\n  "++show w1change) $
          w1change == toSymValue (inv theToken <> Ada.lovelaceValueOf bid) ||
          w1change == mempty

If the boolean passed to Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.assertSpec is False, then the test fails with the first argument in the error message.


We do have to allow for the possibility that the auction never started, which is why we include in the assertion the possibility that wallet 1’s balance remains unchanged. Without this, the tests fail.

Now prop_Auction fails!

> quickCheck prop_Auction
*** Failed! Falsified (after 27 tests and 24 shrinks):
  Bid (Wallet 3) 2000000,
  WaitUntil (Slot {getSlot = 100})]
assertSpec failed: w1 final balance is wrong:
  SymValue {symValMap = fromList [], actualValPart = Value (Map [(363d...,Map [("token",-1)])])}


The balance change is actually a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Symbolics.SymValue, not a Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value, but as you can see it contains a Plutus.V1.Ledger.Value.Value, which is all we care about right now.

Even in this simple case, the seller does not receive the right amount: wallet 1 lost the token, but received no payment!

The reason has to do with the minimum Ada in each UTXO. When the auction UTXO is created, the seller has to put in 2 Ada along with the token. When the auction ends, one might expect that 2 Ada to be returned to the seller. But it can’t be: it is needed to create the UTXO that delivers the token to the buyer! Thus the seller receives 2 Ada (from the buyer’s bid) in this example, but this only makes up for the 2 Ada deposited in the auction UTXO, and the seller ends up giving away the token for nothing.

This is quite surprising behaviour, and arguably, the contract should require that the buyer pay the seller 2 Ada plus the winning bid, so that the stated bid is equal to the seller’s net receipts.


Model assertions can be tested without running the emulator, by using Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.propSanityCheckAssertions instead of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.propRunActions_. This is very much faster, and enables very thorough testing of the model. Since other tests check that the implementation correponds to the model, then this still gives us valuable information about the implementation.

Crashing the auction

Is the auction crash tolerant? To find out, we just declare that Bid actions are available when the corresponding buyer contract is running, define the restart arguments, and the crash-tolerant property (which just replicates the definition of prop_Auction with a different type).

instance CrashTolerance AuctionModel where
  available (Bid w _) alive = (Key $ BuyerH  w) `elem` alive
  available Init      alive = True

  restartArguments _ BuyerH{}  = ()
  restartArguments _ SellerH{} = ()

prop_CrashTolerance :: Actions (WithCrashTolerance AuctionModel) -> Property
prop_CrashTolerance =
  propRunActionsWithOptions (set minLogLevel Critical options) defaultCoverageOptions
        (\ _ -> pure True)

Perhaps unsurprisingly, this property fails:

> quickCheck prop_CrashTolerance
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 17 tests and 11 shrinks):
  Crash SellerH,
  WaitUntil (Slot {getSlot = 100})]
Expected funds of W[1] to change by
  Value (Map [])
but they changed by
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)]),(363d3944282b3d16b239235a112c0f6e2f1195de5067f61c0dfc0f5f,Map [("token",-1)])])
a discrepancy of
  Value (Map [(,Map [("",-2000000)]),(363d3944282b3d16b239235a112c0f6e2f1195de5067f61c0dfc0f5f,Map [("token",-1)])])
Test failed.

We already know that the auction payout is initiated by the seller contract, so if that contract is not running, then no payout takes place. (Although there are no bids in this counterexample, a payout is still needed–to return the token to the seller). That is why this test fails.

But this is actually not the only way the property can fail. The other failure (which generates some rather long contract logs) looks like this:

> quickCheck prop_CrashTolerance
*** Failed! Assertion failed (after 13 tests and 9 shrinks):
  Crash SellerH,
  Restart SellerH]
Contract instance log failed to validate:
... half a megabyte of output ...
Slot 6: 00000000-0000-4000-8000-000000000004 {Wallet W[1]}:
          Contract instance stopped with error: StateMachineContractError (SMCContractError (WalletContractError (InsufficientFunds "Total: Value (Map [(,Map [(\"\",9999999997645750)])]) expected: Value (Map [(363d3944282b3d16b239235a112c0f6e2f1195de5067f61c0dfc0f5f,Map [(\"token\",1)])])")))
Test failed.

In other words, after a crash, the seller contract fails to restart. This is simply because the seller tries to put the token up for auction when it starts, and wallet 1 no longer holds the token–it is already in an auction UTXO on the blockchain. So the seller contract fails with an Wallet.Emulator.Error.InsufficientFunds error. To continue the auction, we would really need another endpoint to resume the seller, which the contract does not provide, or a parameter to the seller contract which specifies whether to start or continue an auction.

Coverage of the Auction contract

We can generate a coverage report for the Auction contract just as we did for the Escrow one. The interesting part of the report is:

   124    auctionTransition
   125        :: AuctionParams
   126        -> State AuctionState
   127        -> AuctionInput
   128        -> Maybe (TxConstraints Void Void, State AuctionState)
   129    auctionTransition AuctionParams{apOwner, apAsset, apEndTime} State{stateData=oldStateData, stateValue=oldStateValue} input =
   130        case (oldStateData, input) of
   132            (Ongoing HighestBid{highestBid, highestBidder}, Bid{newBid, newBidder}) | newBid > highestBid -> -- if the new bid is higher,
   133                let constraints = if highestBid == 0 then mempty else
   134                        Constraints.mustPayToPubKey highestBidder (Ada.toValue highestBid) -- we pay back the previous highest bid
   135                        <> Constraints.mustValidateIn (Interval.to $ apEndTime - 1) -- but only if we haven't gone past 'apEndTime'
   136                    newState =
   137                        State
   138                            { stateData = Ongoing HighestBid{highestBid = newBid, highestBidder = newBidder}
   139                            , stateValue = Value.noAdaValue oldStateValue
   140                                        <> Ada.toValue (Ada.fromValue oldStateValue - highestBid)
   141                                        <> Ada.toValue newBid -- and lock the new bid in the script output
   142                            }
   143                in Just (constraints, newState)
   145            (Ongoing h@HighestBid{highestBidder, highestBid}, Payout) ->
   146                let constraints =
   147                        Constraints.mustValidateIn (Interval.from apEndTime) -- When the auction has ended,
   148                        <> Constraints.mustPayToPubKey apOwner (Ada.toValue highestBid) -- the owner receives the payment
   149                        <> Constraints.mustPayToPubKey highestBidder apAsset -- and the highest bidder the asset
   150                    newState = State { stateData = Finished h, stateValue = mempty }
   151                in Just (constraints, newState)
   153            -- Any other combination of 'AuctionState' and 'AuctionInput' is disallowed.
   154            -- This rules out new bids that don't go over the current highest bid.
   155            _ -> Nothing
   158    {-# INLINABLE auctionStateMachine #-}
   159    auctionStateMachine :: (ThreadToken, AuctionParams) -> AuctionMachine
   160    auctionStateMachine (threadToken, auctionParams) =
   161        SM.mkStateMachine (Just threadToken) (auctionTransition auctionParams) isFinal
   162      where
   163        isFinal Finished{} = True
   164        isFinal _          = False
   166    {-# INLINABLE mkValidator #-}
   167    mkValidator :: (ThreadToken, AuctionParams) -> Scripts.ValidatorType AuctionMachine
   168    mkValidator = SM.mkValidator . auctionStateMachine

The auction is defined as a Plutus state machine, which just repeats an auctionTransition over and over again. We can see that the state machine itself, and most of the transition code, is covered. However, the Bid transition has only been tested in the case where new bid is higher than the old one. Indeed, the tests are designed to respect that precondition. Moroever, the last clause in the case expression has not been tested at all–but this is quite OK, because it returns Nothing which the state machine library interprets to mean “reject the transaction”. So the uncovered code could only be covered by failing transactions, which the off-chain code is designed not to submit.


The code discussed here is in Spec.Auction.

  1. Test the failing properties (prop_NoLockedFunds and prop_CrashTolerance) and observe the failures.

  2. Add the model assertion discussed in Model assertions, and unexpected expectations. to the code, and quickCheck prop_SanityCheckAssertions to verify that it fails. Change the assertion to say that the seller receives 2 Ada less than the bid, and verify that it now passes.

Becoming Level 1 Certification Ready

Level 1 certification of plutus smart contracts relies on the machinery we have discussed in this tutorial. First things first we are going to have a look at the Plutus.Contract.Test.Certification module.

This module defines a type Plutus.Contract.Test.Certification.Certification paramtereized over a type m that should be a Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.ContractModel. This is a record type that has fields for:

  1. a PlutusTx.Coverage.CoverageIndex,

  2. two different types of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.Interface.NoLockedFundsProof (a standard full proof and a light proof that does not require you to provide a per-wallet unilateral strategy),

  3. the ability to provide a specialized error whitelist,

  4. a way to specify that we have an instance of Plutus.Contract.Test.ContractModel.CrashTolerance.CrashTolerance for m,

  5. unit tests in the form of a function from a Plutus.Contract.Test.Coverage.CoverageRef to a TestTree (see Plutus.Contract.Test.checkPredicateCoverage for how to construct one of these), and

  6. named dynamic logic unit tests.

Fortunately, understanding what we need to do to get certification-ready at this stage is simple. We just need to build a Plutus.Contract.Test.Certification.Certification object. For example of how to do this, check out Spec.GameStateMachine.certification and Spec.Uniswap.certification.

You can run level 1 certification locally using the Plutus.Contract.Test.Certification.Run.certify function - but at this stage you may find it difficult to read the output of this function. Don’t worry! A certification dashboard is on the way!


  1. Build a certification object for the Auction and Escrow contracts.